༅ 4. A New Calling

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A New Calling

Year 850: Five days after the Battle of Trost

"H-h-help... m-me..."

"It's there! It's right fucking there! Hurry before it eats us alive!"

"Papa! Papa, where are you?"

"This is it... It's just like 5 years ago... it's over for us."

"Miss! Y-you're that doctor right? Please help my son, you have to help him!"

"I-I -- "


"I-I'm... s-sorry..."

"We've arrived now, Doctor."

In a snap, Vanya was pulled back to her reality when the door of the carriage pulled open. She blinked a few times to assess where she was, what was happening, and why she was in a carriage in the first place.

"Ma'am." A Military Police called out again impatiently as he held the door open. "We've arrived at the courthouse."

Right... Vanya slowly regained to her senses.

It slowly came back to her now. This morning, she was at the evacuation center within Wall Rose, treating dozens, and dozens of families who had been gravely impacted by the battle that ensued in Trost five days ago. It was utterly chaotic, the horrendous memory was still vividly ingrained at the back of her mind, sending chills down every vertebrae of her spine. It ominously reminded her that humanity was once again back to square one. What had transpired five days ago was the exact same thing that happened five years ago in Shiganshina.

And what's worst of all, her main clinic that just so happened to stand where the chaos occurred was completely demolished. When she returned to Trost the day after to collect the bodies, the first thing she did was to run to the street where her clinic stood. But she was only greeted by the sight of her clinic that once stood tall but was now ruined into pieces. All her hard-earned work and most prized possessions were now down in the dumps. To think that she spent all her years and energy just to have the clinic that she had dreamt for so long, only to have that one dream end up in a havoc caused by those Titans.

She could only emptily stare at her now devastated clinic that once made her feel on top of the world but its wooden parts and stones now lay on the bottom of her feet, making her feel like she was the one who was back to square one.

Vanya did everything it could take to hold back the uncomfortable churning in her stomach. She couldn't afford to vomit all over the interior of the carriage right now.

Before she was in the carriage, she was busying herself that morning as she was replacing the bandages on a civilian whose head got repeatedly stomped after getting caught in a stampede. Then, a Military Police had approached her.

"Doctor Vanya Ronan, your immediate presence at the courthouse has been requested by the Scout Regiment." The soldier had said to her.

Vanya was bewildered for a moment at the news. For a second, she thought of turning the request down (She had always found those MP's to be quite suspicious.) but the mention of the Scouts alarmed her. "But there is still a line of civilians needed to be trea -- "

"Commander Smith made himself clear," The man emphasized his words harshly. "You are to be delivered there immediately."

Vanya grimaced as she surveyed the horde of injured families before her, aching to have their turn to be treated by the famous doctor.

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