༅ Third Interlude

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Third Interlude: The Last Letters

(Furlan and Isabel's letter in the "Summer Rain" chapter)

Dear Vanya,


We're so incredibly happy to receive your letter. Have you any idea the shock we had when a mail came to us? Levi pushed me, Vanya. That shithead fucking pushed me and grabbed the letter from the postman. Can you believe that? Well I guess that's just how it is when we haven't been hearing from you for a month.

It breaks my heart to hear how you're going through in that hospital. To have you experiencing the worst cases of Blue and Red is a thought I can't bear. I'm so angry because there's nothing we can do to go there and bring you comfort, I'm so sorry that our letters will just have to do that for now.

Also, I'm so pissed to hear you being treated that way in the hospital. You're a patient! They should be treating you with respect. Just because you came from the impoverished city of the Underground and are the illegitimate daughter of some pretentious doctor doesn't mean you deserve any less. God, when will these stupid people on the surface ever realize that?

But I promise you, Vanya, the Yellow days will soon come. It may not be today or tomorrow but I know for sure that it will come to us eventually once we finish this expedition. I know it's hard, it's painful to wait for the days to get better. But I guess it's why I personally designed this color system for you. I want to remind you that life will always have three colors, always changing, never staying at one. We'll feel Blue on some days, maybe it's Red on most days, and Yellows are the rare ones. Sometimes, we might even feel all three colors at once. Ha, I'm already babbling but I'm sure you're understanding what I'm trying to say... hopefully.

So, look ahead, Vanya and believe me when I say that Yellow will come to us soon. Even us three are feeling so Blue but it's just like you said in your letter: just knowing that you are kilometers from us waiting for us gives us so much hope and reason to fight.

Just hold on a little longer, okay? We'll be home together in no time. We'll see you soon!



P.S. don't be surprised at the new letter attached.

P.P.S. and it's not Levi this time


hi sis!

bet you didnt expect this letter, huh?

yeah i got jealous of furlan and bro for being able to hear from you and i got so jealous cus i really really reeaaalllyyy miss you

but ugh it just sucks cus now i have to learn my ass off to read and write as if counting and adding numbers aren't already hard enough. but whatever. if it means hearing from you then ill do it.

i dont really know what to say honestly cus trainings are booooring, im sure you dont want to hear any of that.

but you know what? i think ill just thank you instead. i want to thank you for all the things youve done to me. i realized how i never got to actually thank you yet for saving me from those guards at the stairwell. i didnt want to tell you cus it sounds stupid but you were like my guardian angel that day. no one wanted to help a rowdy orphan like me knowing how it would also endanger their lives but you were the only one who took me in. even if you knew how it would put your life at stake. i still find that so hard to believe up to this day. how could this woman ever show me kindness? how could you be so ready and willing to put yourself in danger?

from there on i realized that you're the sister i never had. you changed my life the moment you took me to the hideout and let me be part of the gang. It's always been my dream to fly and youve given me my wings. cus of that, youre the reason why i can finally soar up high to the clouds.

ill always be eternally grateful for that. youre the best thing thats ever happened to me. yeah i know its all cheesy and shit but its true. i hope you know that.

so cheer up sis! just wait a little more, do your best to heal faster so that you can finally visit us at trost. ill be waiting for you right here hehehe.

i love ya sis!


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