༅ 3. The Grinch And The Brat

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The Grinch and the Brat

Year 848

The infirmary in the Scouts' headquarters was filled with bustling nurses, and doctors tending to each soldier for any signs of injury or sickness. Though there were no recorded deaths for this particular expedition, there were still significant injuries that needed to be accounted for. Some had their legs fractured, some had horrid gashes on their limbs and faces, and there was one case wherein a soldier needed to have one of his arms amputated.

It was truly a stressful day for Vanya. But not as stressful as the previous post-expeditions like that one time when Vanya failed to stop the bleeding of one soldier from his guts where the Titan sunk his teeth into.

Four minutes later, the soldier died in her arms.

She cried the whole night after that, repeating to herself how she was a huge failure.

But now at that very moment, her heart was relieved to see that there won't be any soldier taking their last breath under her watch. She watched how the Scouts interacted happily with the medical staff, and eventually leaving the infirmary with satisfied smiles on their faces.

However, she needed to accept that her line of work is no walk in the park. Being optimistic, and expecting that she could cure anything if she believed enough is foolish. Because this isn't something wherein you can simply gain strength just from giving yourself some pep talk. No, that just doesn't work in the medical field.

Because there were so many moments when Vanya whispered to herself, "You can do this!", before entering the operation room, only to walk out with her heart so heavy when she realized the patient's heart had stopped beating. Countless people may have been saved in her arms, but she also lost count on how many have died under her supervision. She wished the number of deaths she has dealt with didn't exceed the number of fingers. But sadly, even the number of times she told herself she could do it wouldn't suffice.

That's just how the world works. People live, and people die. Was it her fault whenever a patient dies? Contemplating for the answer would only bring more sorrow and self-loathing.

But, she was chosen to be the Head Doctor of the Scouts Regiment for countless reasons. For one, it was undeniable how she was a straight up prodigy in her field. On duty, she worked expeditiously as she performed numerous successful surgeries back to back; she was also credited for most breakthroughs in researches that sought to have advancements in medicines, and discoveries for unknown diseases. Finally, what made her suitable to be a designated military doctor was her instant and efficient response to serious injuries that wasn't simply inflicted by any human being. Because when it's the Titans who are responsible for her patients' injuries, different protocols must be followed. And she has mastered it, perhaps even while she is sleeping.

But there was also another reason as to how she ended up working in the Scout Regiment headquarter; the said reason just so happened to be sitting still in front of her as she flashed a small light into one of his eyeball.

She smiled in content to see there were no signs of any inflammation, distinct discoloration, or unequal dilation.

"Well, you're good to go, Commander."

Commander Erwin Smith returned a curt smile at her. "For the last time, Vanya, you know you can always call me by my name."

"That would be a dishonor to your hard-earned rank," Vanya faked a gasp, pretending that what he just said was something preposterous. She then pulled out a pen from her pocket to scribble down the result of Erwin's results. "Besides, I like saying it. Seems as if I'm part of some cool squad."

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