༅ 26. Love Or Prospect?

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One last "calm before the storm" chapter before the actual storm hehe.


Under the Light, Part 9: Love or Prospect?

Year 844

"In two weeks time, I will have you sent to the Royal Capital for you to formally begin with your medical education."

Vanya almost choked on her tea the moment those words flew out of Victoria's mouth.

"A-are you serious?" the young woman managed to spurt as she cleared her throat.

Victoria glared at her dismissively at her misconduct at table manners. "Young lady, does it appear to you that I am in a disposition to ever humor you at such an ungodly hour?"

To be fair, no matter what hour it was in the day, Vanya didn't think the old woman would ever be in the mood for humor.

"She was just asking, mother. No harm in that," Alice muttered to her annoyance before sipping her tea.

The three women lounged in the drawing room, having their morning tea and apparently, it was a customary activity after breakfast for the rich. Skipping it was considered to be unequivocally unspeakable despite the fact that the activity itself was anything but delectable. In a few occasions, tea time won't be tea time without Vanya being amused by the constant exchange of banters between the mother and the daughter as she sits back and watches. But in most cases, morning tea was always the opportunity wherein Victoria would hound the poor girl for her poor posture and indolence. During such, Vanya would always grudgingly whisper her profanities to her tea.

But this time, the girl couldn't find it in her to speak ill of Victoria right after the announcement the old woman had disclosed.

"What happens to me by then?" Vanya gaped, still awestruck from the news.

"Close your mouth first, you are not a fish."

Miraculously, the girl eagerly obeyed.

The corners of Victoria's mouth curved approvingly. "Once you arrive at Mitras, you are to settle there at an apartment throughout your duration at the university. I surmise that to be of three to four years, depending if the academe deems you fit. After you have accomplished that, you are to continue training under my supervision at my hospital here in Stohess."

Vanya's cheeks were almost twinging from how wide her grin stretched across her lit face. Because this was it. This was finally it. All her hard work, the painstaking times learning how to brew herbal remedies with her father, the restless days she had to bustle from house to house as a fledgling medic -- all of it reduced to this single moment that could ultimately change the course of her life.

But the radiance all over her face soon whittled away when skepticism took over.

"But... why?" Vanya asked, directing her suspicions towards the directress.

Victoria asked back flatly, "What do you mean why? You dare question my decision? Is not attending university what you have always desired?"

The young woman huffed, "I've always thought I was unworthy in your eyes for you to send me to Mitras.'

"And still, you are. You have yet to show me that you are capable enough to stand on your own amongst the other aspiring doctors," Victoria criticized sardonically. She took a quick sip of her tea before she continued, "But then again, I don't think there is anyone out there who can truly tell if anyone is worthy..."

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