Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up laying in the arms of my Arno. My hair was in a mess from sleeping and the actions before hand. I felt a bit sore but it wasn't as bad as someone might think.

I fluttered my eyes open and looked up at Arno who was just watching me sleep still naked. He grinned when I looked up at him and kissed my forehead. "Good morning, my love." He said in a sleepy and husky voice with a smirk.

"Good morning, Arno." I said softly trying to push away the grief I felt for my father and aunts but i guessed I didn't hide my feelings very well since Arno frowned a bit and gently lifted my chin kissing me.

"I'm really sorry, jolie fleur." Arno whispered before he pulled me into a loving embrace. I could feel his bare chest against mine which soothed me along with hearing the soft drumming of his heart. I felt a few tears welling in my eyes but held them back as I hugged him pulling myself closer to his warm body.

"I's just I still miss them..." I mumbled into his chest and he gently pet my hair to sooth me. I could feel his warm breaths on my head as I nuzzles into his chest.

*Two months later June*

Over the past few months I had improved greatly coming closer and closer to becoming a master assassin. But during the day I was an artist and when needed I would become an assassin ready to kill at any given time.

I sat in my art shop in the late afternoon just before dawn. I was working on a painting of the flower garden just outside my shop that Arno had planted for me when he wasn't busy. Now a-days it seemed Arno was always gone with the soon possible revolution knocking at the doors of France.

Speaking of knocking I heard a light rapping on my door and I set down my paint brush before opening to door to see Pierre who would often come here since it was like a safe house as no one would expect an assassin to be an artist let alone a woman. Though there are quite a few female assassins I have never formally met one.

"Ah, Welcome, what brings you here this time Pierre? Got yourself in trouble again?" I questioned and he merely laughed as he walked inside and I noticed another assassin behind him at first not recognizing him but realized when he took his hood off and hugged me that he was Arno. "Ah! Arno, mon amour welcome home!" I said cheerfully wrapping my arms around him though he didn't smile.

Lately I hadn't seen him smile in the slightest or at least not give me a smile that was fake. "Lilli we have another job to do its a big one and it's dangerous. I don't know if you should go...I don't know what I would do if something happened to you..." He whispered holding me in his strong arms for a moment.

"Oh, don't worry pisspot, your girl is one of the best assassins I know and she's pretty too." Pierre commented from behind me which made Arno let out a soft annoyed growl/grunt in reply.

He's so cute when he gets jealous.

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