Chapter 4

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I heard a sharp ringing sound in my ears making me put my hand on my head. I slowly opened my eyes squinting a bit to adjust to the light. When they were finally adjusted I looked around the room not recognizing it. I also noticed three people in hooded jackets and one of them walked over to me.

He lightly sat next to me and gently rubbed his thumb on my forehead. "Good morning *tête endormie. Are you alright?" Arno asked me once he pulled his hood off and I was a bit confused but nodded.

"Yes but where are w-!!!" I said as I tried to sit up before feeling a sharp pain in my side and yelped before laying back down putting my hand on the spot and felt a bandage wrapping around my waist under my dress.

"Arno, we would like to have a word with you before you tell her anything. Her father was a Templar after all." A older mans voice said from nearby and I looked over to see an older colored man wearing a white coat.

"Oh just tell her already, pisspot! If she's smart she'll have already figured out our little secret besides you've all heard what the pisspot has said about her. I thought you wanted her as a member." A familiar voice said from the other side of me, Pierre.

I quickly shot up even though it hurt and grabbed Pierre's sword pointing it to his throat making him glare down at me. "Enough! Just tell me where I am or we are going to have a problem!" I said getting impatient since I was in pain from the wound and confused not knowing where I was.

The three people in white coats looked at each other and spoke softly before nodding and the colored man spoke again. "I apologize for the inconvenience Lilliana. You are inside the hideout of the creed, specifically an assassin's creed. Arno has told us a lot about you and your skills. We have considered testing you to join the creed. Yet we cannot tell you exactly where you are since we don't know if you are a Templar like your father."

Pierre pulled the sword out of my hands and sheathed it again. "See now was that so hard?" He said before Arno glared at him and pulled him out of the room.

"Alright. But what do you want me to do for your little test? Also how did you know my name?" I asked sitting up having my hand on my side.

"All that will be explained in time but for now change into the clothing in that room and follow Arno and Pierre to your test." The girl in the white coat said pointing to a door before I slowly got up and walked into the room.

It took me a while but I got dressed in the new clothing. A white and red uniform with a thick brown belt covering the majority of my waist(the cover pic). I walked out of the room and their conversation stopped. I rolled my eyes before going to find Arno and Pierre.

Arno was yelling at a laughing Pierre about something but he stopped yelling when I walked up and smiled. "I knew you'd look good in that." Arno smirked and Pierre nodded making Arno glare and step closer.

"Alright, now lead the way boys. I want to get this done and get my questions answered." I said looking at the two and they got a bit more serious nodding before putting a blind fold over my eyes and leading me out.

Once we reached the outside one of them took it off me. "Sorry about that love. Didn't want to show a possible Templar our hideout." Pierre said before he climbed up a building to the roof with ease.

Arno then followed and I supposed I was supposed to as well. I jumped over to some crates then onto a carts roof before pulling myself up on the roof. As soon as I got both feet up there they both took off across the roofs.

I ran after them slipping a few times on the wet roofs and it took me a minute to the now stopped duo who were looking down at a large crowd gathering around one of fathers friends.

"This is where your mission begins porcelain." Pierre said was I walked up next to them.

Now what have I gotten myself into?

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