Chapter 7

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Eventually after a while of thinking and bruding in Arno's arms I finally drifted back off into a dark peaceful sleep dreaming of nothing but the warmth of Arno's strong arms embracing me and the relaxing darkness ecasing me. I could slightly hear the soft sound of Arno humming or maybe he was mumbling something but it was hard to tell while I was sleeping.

From what I could hear he said something about not wanting me to find out too soon. Find out what I wonder? What could he be keeping from me? He normally tells me what his thinking so why would he keep something from me at a time like this?

I remembered back at the night of the party the strange vision I had when I had been knocked out by someone at the party. The sight of my father lying on the flooring surrounded in crimson liquid-it both confused and terrified me. I didn't understand why I would image something as horrific as that befalling apon my dear loving father, I wanted to know so badly what it meant and yet at the same time a part of me wanting no part in that vision at all. But rather that small part of me was wanting-no-pleading for my mind to shove that vision in to the deepest most forgotten parts of my memories. The memories that would keep you awake for days or drive a person mad if they heard the true depth of those things and events.

Though you can never keep everything hidden for long, at some point everything-everyone has a breaking point and beyond the point there is no return. Eventually every secret pushed away will rise to the surface again bringing both pain and relief. To which is experienced is merely in the eye of the beholder yet with every secret there will be both pain and relief recieved at different times by different people.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt whatever I was laying on lightly dip when someone sat down. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see Arno having a smile on his face but his eyes were only partially smiling. His eyes held a mix of different emotions yet that is to be expedcted of a human being. Those dark brown eyes staring into mine showed, love and remorse.

"Did you sleep well mi amour?" He asked leaning a bit closer and softly-sweetly pecked my lips against his. My doubt slightly pushed aside but still lingered as he pulled away from the kiss looking deep in my eyes resting his forehead against mine. "I've been worried. You slept through nearly the entire day. Are you feeling alright?"

I nodded gingerly still having my forehead against his as I took a slow deep breath in and out gazing into his brown orbs with my light hazel ones.

"My love, please tell me one thing. Would you ever lie to me and if I asked you a question would you answer it?" I asked having hints of worry in my expression and I felt him tense and grip my slender hands firmly.

"Of course. I would do anything for you." He said carefully and in a very soft volume that almost sounded like a whisper.

I nodded a bit then looked deep into his eyes, "So then can you tell me what happened on the night of the party?"

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