Chapter 13

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Sitting inside of the carriage my mind was wandering in multiple different places making my head spin.

How on Earth could my father be alive? Why did he not try to find me until now? Is this just some Templar trap?

I shook my head lightly trying to clear the thoughts from my head. I stared down at my lap lightly fiddling with one of the ribbons on the skirt of it. I hadn't even thought of Arno and Pierre's safety until now which made me curse softly under my breath.

How could I be so stupid as to leave them? They were trusting me to do this and then I just left. Well hopefully they will understand, after all I'm positive they can handle themselves it's just killing one Templar guy.

I let out a soft sigh before quickly putting my hand against the wall of the carriage since we took a sharp turn and I heard the horses whiney a bit as we sped up.

"Hey be more careful would you?" I called to the that was now driving. "I said quickly not recklessly." I mumbled the second sentence not wanting to be rude.

"Toutes mes excuses madame nous avons presque arrivé*" He replied as we took yet another sharp turn and I mentally cursed him before I began to feel nervous or maybe it was just a bad feeling.

What would I do if this was a trap? My current weapons I have on me are only about 5 throwing knives and one of my wrist blades. If it were a large group I don't know how well I would fair. Though I did actually recognize the guard from when I last saw my father so he couldn't be lying or at least I hope not.

I hadn't even realized we stopped until the guard opened up the door to the carriage making me flinch. "We are here. I'll take you to see your father Miss Lilliana." He said offering his arm which I took lightly before we walked into the rather large building which I then realized was the chapel my father and I would sometimes go to church at.

There were two of the family's guards at the door and they opened the door for me to enter the church. I took a deep breath before taking a few steps in when the door was shut behind me. I turned to look at the door taking a few steps back ending up in the middle of the chapel as I bumped into something behind me.

I let out a soft squeak and quickly whipped around before looking at the person. My eyes widen seeing who it was. I felt my chest tighten a bit as I stated at him a speechless not exactly sure what to say or do.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Lilliana...."

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