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'we know what we are,
but know not what we may be'

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Florence Valentine seemed happy. Like really really happy. She was never seen without her bright smile that Hogwarts had grown to know and love. Anyone who knew her (or of her) knew she was always there to help whether that be school work or just someone needing some advice (or a hug, she gives the best hugs!). Maybe it was her kind nature, or it was just the Hufflepuff in her, Florence never failed to lend a helping hand.

Those who knew her (like really knew her) could see that behind her smile and the happy facade was a broken girl who longed to be loved and appreciated. They could see the slight falter in her smile, and sometimes her eyes lost their light a little bit. You'd have to genuinely know Florence Valentine to notice these things because she hid it so well.

The problem with Florence was that she hated being a burden to people (like really really hated it, even more than cauldron cakes) she would rather torment herself with her spiralling thoughts than let it be a burden to her friends. And of course, her friends knew this, like how she would wait until she was by herself to cry, or how when she was in a big group of people and would slowly feel herself losing her energy, she wouldn't let anyone know. That was just Florence.

And Florence felt guilty that she wasn't happy. She had been brought up in the most secure and loving family. But she still wasn't happy. It might be from the constant pressure she puts on herself to be just as successful and great as her older siblings (one was an accomplished Auror and the other one was a skilful alchemist). Even though her parents never once compared her to her siblings, Florence still couldn't help thinking she was a disappointment. And it probably didn't help that her parents were renowned in the wizarding world. Her mother a brilliant healer at St Mungo's and her father an author of the famous book series, A Forbidden Love! Mermaids and Muggles.

Yet Florence still couldn't get it out of her head that she was a major disappointment. Like she has no clue what she wants to do when she graduates from Hogwarts, it's her last year for merlin's sake, and she hasn't even got a plan!

But she can't (won't!) tell anyone, so she just plasters on a wide smile and tries not to let the sinking feeling grow any deeper.

authors note


this is my first fic (well second if you include the jurassic world one i wrote when i was 13)

anyways i hope you all enjoy!


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