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- the hug

'lying in the arms of a stranger'

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Days turned into weeks and before Florence Valentine knew, it was almost the end of September. The seventh year students were being swamped with so much work that it was a wonder they were getting any free time at all, (the only thing keeping them going was that the first Hogsmeade trip was coming up).

Florence found herself curled up in the library on the cold Wednesday morning with Remus Lupin. The two prefects were currently writing their 15 inch Care of Magical Creatures essay on the correct handling of a Bowtruckle.

"This essay is taking forever. And we still have to write the Defence Against the Dark Arts essay about non verbal spells!" A very stressed out Remus Lupin exasperated.

Florence looked up from her essay towards Remus who was now sat with his hands pressed to his head. "I know it's so much! Try not to worry too much about it though, you always do so well."

Remus smiled up at Florence, who had gently touched his arm in a comforting gesture. Remus was always so glad to have a friend like Florence there to help him out with work and to also help remind him that he was brilliant.

"You always know what to say to cheer someone up." Remus chuckled, picking his quill back up to finish off the essay.

"That's what i'm best at." Florence smiled back.

The two prefects sat in silence, both wanting to finish up their essays before the next lesson started. Which they probably would have been able to do if they weren't interrupted by a certain Gryffindor troublemaker.

Out of the four Marauders, Florence would probably say she was the closest with Remus. However, she does have a very sweet friendship with Sirius. One time, in fourth year, she found him in an abandoned fifth floor corridor crying over a letter. Not even asking what was wrong, she just let him cry on her shoulder until he was better. After that, the two had an odd relationship, but were really good friends.

"Alright Moons, Florence. You know, the essay isn't due in for another three days!" Sirius Black exclaimed as he sat down in the spare seat by Remus.

"It's due tomorrow Pads, you can copy mine later."

"Great, thanks mate." Sirius smiled widely up at his friend.

"Are you just going to sit here and stare at Rem, or are you going to start copying his essay?" Florence asked Sirius, who pouted jokingly at her.

"No need to be rude Renny. Is my presence not enjoyable to you?"

"Your presence is always enjoyable to me, Siri." Florence replied back, putting emphasis on his nickname as she knows he absolutely hates it.

At this, Sirius dramatically gasped and placed his hand over his heart. The two other seventh years laughed loudly at his dramatics that was until they noticed Madam Pince making her way towards their table.

"Do you not remember me banning you from the library, Black?" The rather annoyed looking woman exclaimed.

"I'm not sure I do Irma." Sirius snickered, along with Remus and Florence who were both desperately trying to hold in their laughter.

That seemed to particularly annoy the librarian, "Right, you three out of my sights! I don't want to hear any excuses right now miss Valentine, just all get out."

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