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- lost

' i don't belong
and, my beloved, neither do you'

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James Potter was lost metaphorically that is.

After spending his teen years pining after one girl, someone who he thought would be the only love of his life. Someone he would get to spend the rest of his life with, growing up until they grew old.

Love was a funny thing. It consumed every aspect and being of him, blinding him to the possibilities that maybe this wasn't love. But instead a teenage infatuation, desire.

James had spent so long being in love with Lily that he had forgotten what love actually was.

When she had finally said yes it was like he was finally seeing the world for the first time. Everything seemed brighter, lighter.

But his world came crashing down when he realised that not everything was perfect, in fact, nothing was perfect. They argued all the time. They had little to nothing in common.

And now James found himself completely and utterly heartbroken. He didn't even think it was possible to feel this terrible, it felt like someone had ripped out his heart and torn it into a million little pieces. James was convinced it was impossible to put back together, and he was now doomed to spend the rest of his life alone.

Alone, something that he had never felt (not until now), and something he was sure he would feel for a while, maybe forever.

Not even Sirius Black, his best friend, his brother, could help.

No one could help James Potter fix himself.

Florence was lost literally that is.

She currently had a free period and decided to walk around the corridors because she had definitely had enough of studying, especially Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Not paying attention to where she was going was what got the Valentine girl lost. You would think that after being at Hogwarts for seven years she wouldn't get lost. But she was very, very lost.

Florence walked around for a little bit until she gave up and found a little alcove to sit in and watch the grounds. It was almost October, and the leaves were slowly turning to a brown-orange and falling from the trees. It was such a pretty sight.

Florence decided to write a letter to her parents, seeing as they had sent her a letter three days ago and she had yet to reply.

Taking out a piece of parchment and quill, she started her letter.

To Mum and Dad,

School is going well! We've been given more and more homework each day, and the teachers never fail to bring up the exams it's like they want us to panic or something!

But I am still enjoying it, you know how much i've always loved it here.

Angela, Maria, and Deanna are all good too. They all really enjoyed the carrot cake you sent us, and we would all definitely like some more!

put a little love on me ⋆ james potterWhere stories live. Discover now