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- the stars

'there'll be happiness after you
but there was happiness because of you'

The sound of rain pattering on the windows was what woke Florence up on the grey morning. Her eyes felt heavy as a reminder of her late night (with none other than James Potter). Spending well into the night in the embrace until he started to get tired and fell asleep on her. Florence had no choice but to stay there, wrapping him in a blanket so he didn't get cold. It wasn't until around four am when James woke up in a confused state as he was lying awkwardly on Florence's legs. After many apologies, James and Florence headed to the comforts of their own beds to fall asleep. Well, Florence tried and failed to sleep.

Thoughts of the boy kept her awake. His heartbroken face stuck in her mind, as she recalled his harsh sobs and tight grip. Florence wanted to help him, but she had no idea how. She was stuck, but made a promise to herself that she would at least help James Potter smile again. His usual goofy, wide smile which was always reflected in his soft, brown eyes.

After having little to no sleep, Florence slowly started to get ready for the day ahead. She pulled on her yellow and black robes and messily threw her hair up into a bun (although it looked more like a birdsnest), hastily shoving her books in to her satchel.

Her friends were all absent from the dormitory as they must have already gone down for breakfast. Florence, after checking her alarm clock and realising there was only ten minutes until lessons, rushed to the Great Hall and with a quick good morning to her friends, she piled a few eggs and a slice of bacon onto her plate before shoving it into her mouth.

"Well, don't you look on top form this morning Flo." Ang giggled at the very tired seventh year, who looked like she was about to fall asleep in her Pumpkin Juice.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, although I do have History of Magic today so might have a power nap then."

"Not surprised, you didn't come into the dorm until gone four am. Visiting your secret boyfriend or something." Deanna smirked, as she looked at the startled blonde girl whose cheeks started to form a blush.

"I don't have a secret boyfriend, I was on the Astronomy Tower and accidentally fell asleep!"

Not convincing her friends that she did in fact not have a secret boyfriend (although she wished she did) the three girls started to debate who their blonde friend was blushing over.

Florence wasn't particularly keen on listening to her friends talk about whether it was Seb Johnson (a seventh year Gryffindor and keeper of the Quidditch team) as he used to have a crush on Florence in their second year. She looked over to the Gryffindor table and noticed James staring down at his plate and picking at his food. He had dark circles under his eyes, much alike the ones Florence had, and his hair appeared to be even more wild and messy (something Florence didn't think was possible).

Her heart ached for his forlorn expression, wanting nothing more than to go over and give him another hug (what can she say, Florence loved giving people hugs), however she didn't want to weird him out as they've probably had about ten conversations in their seven years of going to school together.

put a little love on me ⋆ james potterWhere stories live. Discover now