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- the cake

' you don't have to prove nothing,
you can just be yourself'

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Florence was woken up by the loud chatter in her dorm room. Not wanting to get up just yet (it was too early for a Saturday!) Florence buried herself as far as she could into the soft blankets and pillows.

"Finally, she's awake!" Deanna exclaimed as she noticed movement from Florence's bed.

"I'm still asleep, go away." Florence grumbled into her pillow.

The three other Hufflepuffs gathered around her bed, clearly not impressed with her reply. They were already dressed for the day and seemed to be waiting for a certain Hufflepuff prefect to wake up.

"Come on Flo, it's Hogsmeade weekend!" Angela yelled excitedly.

A messy head of blonde hair emerged from the blankets and stared at her friends, eyes half closed in tiredness. "That's today?"

All three waiting and very eager girls who just wanted to go to Hogsmeade nodded in answer. Florence reluctantly dragged herself out of bed and towards the bathroom so that she could look at least half decent (you never know who you were going to bump into in Hogsmeade).

Because it was getting closer and closer to winter and Florence definitely didn't want to catch a cold, she dressed up warm in a red knitted jumper and black jeans. Once she was finally ready, the four best friends headed down to the courtyard so that they could go to the little village.

The air was crisp once they stepped outside. It was still a lovely day, the autumn trees were swinging lightly in the wind and the sky was a pretty light blue-grey.

When Professor Mcgonagall checked they were on the list of people allowed to go, they were finally off to Hogsmeade. The winding lane heading towards the village was filled with students keen to visit, especially because it was the first trip of the year.

"Where should we go first?" Maria asked the girls after they had fallen into a comfortable silence.

"Obviously we should go to Honeydukes first, i'm dying to try their new flavour of Fizz Balls." Deanna answered, she had been talking about them for ages now and almost drove the others mad with how often she mention the new sweet. 

"That's a good idea. I could do with another stock up on sweets, i'm on my last few Pink Coconut Ice's." Florence said. Each Hogsmeade trip the four girls always bought a years worth of Honeydukes treats for their dorm room.

Honeydukes appeared ahead and the four girls entered the already packed shop. There were shelves upon shelves of the most delicious looking sweets you could ever imagine. Creamy chunks of nougat, honey coloured toffees, there was even a large barrel of Every Flavour Beans, and another of Fizzing Whizzbees.

Everyone seemed to be picking up everything in sight, which the four Hufflepuffs soon joined in on. Florence, after grabbing a couple bags of Pink Coconut Ice, started to just grab one of everything else.

She headed to the till with her arms full of treats and greeted Ambrosius Flume the owner of Honeydukes.

"Alright there Florence, hope you had a nice summer." Ambrosius welcomed her, taking the items from her hands so he could price and bag them.

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