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"Time to get to work mutt." The guard yelled at me, so I threw my hair into a bun and headed to the packhouse. 'You know I love you Ari, but these people are assessing my patience.' 'I'm sorry Diana.' 'Do not apologize Aribella, Diana and I have tempers, pride this is not your fault we only wish to protect you.' 'I know Artemis I just hate you two are stuck with the torment as well.' 'We are one Aribella never forget that I wouldn't trade you for anything.' 'Me either Ari we love you.' 'Love you both.' 

With that, I head into the kitchen and began the start of the day. As I finish, they began pouring in. As they are seated it is the usual "hey look it's the slave", "dirty mutt", "skunk", "freak". James and his mate walk past no eye contact his mate calls me a worthless dog he just sighs and takes his place at the table. Jamie gives me a slight smile and nod which is something I still love my brothers. Silence takes the room as the Alpha enters and takes his seat not once acknowledging my presence. He then glares at me with his cold green eyes waves his hand at me "out of my face before you make me lose my appetite."

I leave with his cold words heavy in my mind. I must pay him to rent so since the age of 16 I work at a Cafe down in town for 8 hours a day five days a week and I sign my paychecks over to him. I save all the tips I get hoping to break free one day. I just need courage. So, he gets my 150 checks a week and I now have 50,000 saved after two years. I make generous tips rich fancy people like to show off leaving fifties do not bother me in the end. Day went by faster than usual though. Already had their dinner done was in my cell eating my one meal when suddenly, the alarm sounded. Artemis and Diana stood firm in my mind wanting to go check it out I follow their lead. Rouges attacking there are so many. 

My dad took on three rogues, James five, Jamie four. They are assessing winded they are doing everything they can. When suddenly Jamie howls another Rouge is biting his shoulder from behind and we all see red. In agreement, Diana is the form we take she is known as the ultimate warrior. We shift and jump on the rouges. Grabbed the Rouge off Jamie by the throat crushing instantly. I cannot stop I want their blood I start swiping with my claw left-right. Jumping, dodging like I have been trained my whole life, but this was Diana she was a warrior and man was I proud. I stood firm in front of the pack who is now shifted back with shorts and clothes on. When we heard a whistle, the rouge stopped dead in their tracks. The wind picked up and I smelled the most enchanting smell like cinnamon and vanilla but now is not the time. Blood soaked our fur I could taste the metallic on my tongue I did not care.

The rogues began growling. Diana bared her teeth giving back a deep threatening warning growl. The stranger in the darkness began laughing and it was so cold, and it made me cringe.
"Hello, Alpha Anderson long time no see." He says with a smile, but my dad keeps his composure. "Reveal yourself scum what are you doing on my lands." "Now, now Alpha wait your turn. My how your boys have grown, and who's this pretty little wolf never seen you around hmm Alpha where's that daughter of yours." 

Jamie and James look at father confused and shocked, everyone else has their eyes on me, but I am lost. That voice sounds so familiar I cannot place it though. I am suddenly breaking from my thoughts when I hear my father's words. "You must be mistaken mutt I have no daughter." That is, it I cannot take it anymore. I run behind bushes grabbing an extra sports bra and sweats. I come out not caring about the rogues anymore I am done being treated like trash. "I save all of you, yet you still treat me like trash, and I will not stand for it." Everyone was shocked and gasped. "Aribella, do you know what you have done, do you." The strangers disappear in the middle of the darkness as my father yelled in my face. "Yes, I do I helped fight those rogues and saved your skin but yet I'm trash to you." "You don't understand Aribella what is going..."

Before he could finish, I am done with his abuse I am sick of it. My body is full of rage anger hurt I cannot do this anymore. "I Aribella Rayne Anderson reject blue crescent moon as my pack and you as my alpha." I could feel the bond with the pack snap like a twig and I felt free. Looking up James is crying holding his chest he whispered, "I love you Ari I am sorry." Alpha was in shock no words wow he was speechless. I went to leave I heard Jamie yell. "Aribella wait, please." I just looked at his eyes and said, "I will always love my family."

"Why dad why she's our sister your daughter you can't just let her leave" "You mind you tongue Jamie what's done is done" What he did next shocked us all. "I Jamie Michael Anderson reject blue crescent moon as my pack and the title of future beta." He then turned to me with a smile, "I will never betray my little sister again." Alpha was shaking with rage. "Do you know what you've done Aribella how could you be so selfish, heartless?" That is all I heard as my body shook with rage pure rage. I let out the most terrifying growl I have ever heard. 'Aribella let me take control I'll manage this go rest Artemis will watch over you.' 'Thank you, Diana.' I gave her full control I trusted her with my all. "ENOUGH." Everyone froze including Alpha. He mustered up the courage "you watch your tone Aribella." "Dad that's not Bella that's her wolf," James said as he grabbed Alphas's shoulders.

 "The name is Diana and you all should be ashamed. You are supposed to be her pack, her family, yet you treat her lower than most rogues would. She has put up with you all for twelve years and still has no hatred because she is strong you are weak. So Alpha dear watch your tone sir remember I saved your life, but if you mistreat her again, I will not hesitate to take it. And before your wolf runs his mouth on the respect that is not a threat that is a guarantee. You have no idea who you're messing with." With that Diana gave control to Artemi's voices slightly different but not much they would not know.

"Jamie I will not stop u from following and will not blame you for going back but I am leaving now." Artemis knows how I feel they both do they are me. So, she turns facing alpha and James "She will never forgive me if I left without saying this. No matter what you are my family I will always love you." With that, we ran out of territory my brother and me.

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