Its a long story

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It has been hours since we've been traveling. We finally found a vacant small cave behind a small waterfall.. Jamie built a fire and we settled in with our deer we hunted just prior to finding the cave. As we ate our dinner Jamie breaks the ice
"sis I hope one day you forgive me, I should of stood up for you done something but no I am a weak pathetic brother I failed to protect you."
You could see the hurt and feel his remorse.
"I do forgive you Jamie I still love you all of you."
He raised his head in shock.
"But why we did nothing for you."
"I know the command did alot but you were Jamie don't you remember."
I reach in my back pocket and took out his letter his eyes began to get teary and he hugged me. The first time in along time I was hugged by my family.
"I love you Aribella, I'm sorry for everything. How was it your first shift I mean."
Oh boy no one knows my truth.

'Diana, Artemis what do I do.'

'I think we can trust him Ari he left everything for us.'

'I agree with Artemis, Bella and I feel his wolf I trust them.'

'Okay thank you both I know hes my brother but we all must agree.'

"Well Jamie about that its a long story and I'm going to sound crazy just let me finish ok."

"Of course sis I got all the time in the world."

So I took a deep breath and told him the truth.
After that I look at Jamie and his eyes are as big as saucers.

"What the crap no way let me see let me see."
He sounded like a kid getting a puppy
"Calm down there buddy I'll show you but please keep this between us."
"Of course sis unless you say other wise."
So I stand up a good few feet away.

'So you guys ready I was thinking Diana first since he's seen you then Artemis. What you think.'

'Aribella I think it's perfect, don't you Artemis, I'll give him the shock you give him the awe.'

'Oh yes perfect hehe a little fun this will be.'

'Okay here goes nothing you to be nice.'

So I look over at Jamie entering his mind,
'hey bub you hear me okay.'

'Yes Ari I hear you come on let me see.'

So I hide behind a rock taking off my clothes. I then shift first we go with Diana. I walk out and he walks up to us stroking our fur.
'Your Diana Right?'

'Yes I am Jamie glad to finally show my form off you know. Without ripping apart something.'
He laughed
" you know you are funny, you are beautiful your eyes are so blue and that moon on your forehead wow just wow, but I seen you fight so ill stay on your good side."

'Not just mine you know guess it's time for the show.'

He just looked at us funny.
So we shifted straight to Artemis. He fell he actually fell. Diana and I are laughing so hard at him.

'Well call me flattered Jamie but very nice to finally meet you.'

'Wow I can see you are not the same Diana you guys have the same mark and eyes but your fur is pure white.'

'Thank you but I am not Diana at all this what we meant by two different wolves my name is Artemis.'

'What in the moon you are blessed wow so let me wrap my head around this but thank you for telling me and showing me.'

'No problem Jamie please protect our Aribella shes our world though I may be the love light hope I will tear anyone apart who dare harms her again.'

With that we ran behind the rock shifted back and I got dressed. When we returned he hugged me.
"Your secret is safe with me so what do we do now sis."

"You might not like it."

"I think we should find a pack to join or one to help us its time I train. There's a war coming Jamie I feel it. Somethings telling me it has to do with the strange man from home and I will not fail our people."
I said with more determination and pride then i have ever had.

"It will be dangerous sis but I'm with you til the end."

With that we curled up and fell into a deep sleep.

Be patient were getting along next will be a small-time jump but you will be glad to know things are changing for them what lies ahead.

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