Chapter Twenty-Five: Reinforcements

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Bumblestar POV

I turned towards the camp entrance to see two tiny shapes vanishing through the camp entrance, the bushy black pelt of Shadekit and the light brown pelt of Fawnkit.

I glanced to my left to see Rowanstar writhing on the ground as Foxleap clawed relentlessly at his stomach. "Foxleap! Seems like little Shadekit is running away here with his precious Fawnkit! Go after them...and dispose of them."

Foxleap released Rowanstar after a final blow and nodded to me. Rowanstar ignored the deputy as he dashed off, his eyes solely focused on me. "So you resort to murdering your own kits now, Bumblestar?"

I chuckled. "Well, no, I suppose you won't be the first kit I've killed."

Rowanstar's eyes flashed with fury and he lunged at me. I easily sidestepped and whispered, "Missed!"

Rowanstar whipped around and sliced his claws across my nose. Pain flared through my nostrils, but I ignored it. "No more kit-moves, Rowanstar. Why don't you start fighting with, well, you're not smart enough to fight like a warrior, perhaps at least at apprentice level but..."

I trailed off as I rolled out of the way of another charge. Rowanstar's frenzied swipes cut through empty air. He hissed in frustration and glared at me.

I leisurely strolled towards him. "My turn!"

I stopped when I was a few whiskers away and did my best to look bored. I ducked as Rowanstar slashed at my throat and rammed my head into his chest. He staggered backwards and tripped over his own paws as I plowed into him. I planted a forepaw on his chest and pinned him to the ground. I clawed at the wounds on his belly and chuckled as he screeched in agony.

"You'll never win!" Rowanstar spat.

I looked around and spotted Snowbird fleeing out of the thorn tunnel, pursued, coincidentally, by Snowpelt. ThunderClan was steadily pushing intruders back, and ShadowClan seemed to be tiring. "I think we already have."

"Good always defeats evil in the end," Rowanstar hissed.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I raised my forepaw to prepare for the death blow. "Let's finish this, shall we?"

Someone crashed into me right as my claws grazed the ShadowClan leader's neck. I scrambled hastily to my paws, as did Rowanstar, and glanced over my shoulder. I fully expected Rowanstar's savior to be a ShadowClan cat.

Who I saw shocked me.

I saw a tortoiseshell with emerald green eyes glaring at me. Blossomfall! What in StarClan's, her image was blurry, as if I was looking at her underwater. I thought I was over the hallucinations, but apparently not. Now was not a good time to have a relapse though. I shook my head and blinked a few times, but Blossomfall remained. I squinted at her and watched as she dissolved, her fur melting into a sleek bluish-gray pelt. Her green eyes were replaced by a frosty blue gaze that reminded me of shards of ice.

"You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled when I realized who it was.

Rowanstar's eyes lit up with triumph as more cats flooded in through the camp entrance. He turned and nodded respectfully to the blue-gray she-cat. "Mistystar."

"Rowanstar. I got your message," Mistystar said.

"Thank you for coming. As soon as we take care of Bumblestar, we will leave. ThunderClan isn't the problem." Rowanstar looked back at me and narrowed his eyes.

Mistystar sighed. "Power has corrupted Bumblestar, and he must be disposed of."

With the arrival of the RiverClan reinforcements, ThunderClan had begun to lose the battle. We were well outnumbered, but I would rather die than surrender. Besides, at this point, I was pretty certain that surrender would result in my death anyways.

Rowanstar inclined his head slightly, and the two leaders charged at me. I arched my back and snarled in defiance. I would fight to my last breath. Taking on two strong, well-trained Clan leaders who both had multiple lives? No big deal. I could do it. I was Bumblestar, the leader of ThunderClan, and nobody would defeat me.

A/N: RiverClan is here to help! OMG this book is almost over :O Prepare for a shocking ending!

I love reading your comments, they make me smile. I laugh cuz half of them use the words die or kill. And that's why everyone gets reported for using kill XD

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