Chapter Eighteen: Ambush

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Bumblestar POV

I always found it amusing when I remembered the other leader's reactions at the Gathering when I showed up just after Blossomfall had been killed.

"If ThunderClan doesn't show up soon, we will have to start without them," Mistystar muttered.

Rowanstar glared at her. "I don't feel like waiting for those fox-hearts. START NOW!"

I hurried over to the Great Oak. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

All heads turned towards me as I leapt up to the branch of the Great Oak where the other leaders were waiting. Yowls came from the crowd, and chattering broke out across the clearing. Some were displaying looks of disbelief, some seemed frightened, and others seemed confused or stunned.

Onestar stared in shock, and I was eyeing the silver around his muzzle. That old fool should've withered away in the elders den by that time. He looked so frail and powerless. I looked at him scornfully, then glanced at Rowanstar.

The ShadowClan leader's eyes were wide, and he unsheathed his claws. "WHAT KIND OF TRICK IS THIS? BLOSSOMSTAR, IF YOU THINK THIS SCARES ME, THINK AGAIN YOU DECEIVING..."

I chuckled. "Blossomfall has been, um, disposed of."

"Bumblestar?" Mistystar whispered. "How...but you're dead!"

I glowered at her. "I WILL NEVER DIE!"

Rowanstar looked skeptical. "I'm not falling for it. Find a rogue who looks like Bumblestar and make him reek of ThunderClan. There you go, you have Bumblestar reincarnated! Typical ThunderClan plotting."

I narrowed my eyes, and leaned closer to him so I could speak softly enough that the crowd and the other leaders would not hear. "I took care of Blackstar. Do you think I'm not capable of putting you out of your misery as well?"

Rowanstar's eyes smoldered. "YOU killed Blackstar?! You mangy, miserable fleabag...and you think you'll be able to kill me too! My Clan will never..."

"They'll never know, or suspect me," I purred. "Isn't that wonderful?"

I had decided to "dispose of" the ShadowClan leader, or at least give him a warning to so that he would know not to underestimate me. A warning would be fine; I was pretty sure he would know it was me if a few of his warriors disappeared. I wandered through the forest, noting that the leaves were now various colors of red, brown, and yellow rather than the vibrant green they were during greenleaf. I approached the ShadowClan border without hesitation. I stared at the Greenleaf Twolegplace and recalled the battle that had been fought for the useless land. That was a good battle, one in which the only important thing either side received was dead bodies of their fallen warriors. I wanted to fight another battle like that, or witness one. Perhaps for apprentice training, I was thinking that I should make two apprentices have to fight to the death, and the one that survived would become a warrior. It was something to consider, certainly.

I had a patrol of eleven cats with me; Rosepetal, Ambershade, Lilyshade, Seedflower, Foxleap, Toadstep, Spiderleg, Cloudtail, Ivypool, Molewhisker, and Lionblaze. I padded across the border without a hint of hesitancy. The ground was covered with pine needles. I tried to focus on that, considering that thinking about anything else would make me uncomfortable because I would realize how dark it was underneath these strange trees. The sooner we accomplished this mission, the better.

I relied on my memory from the few visits I had made to ShadowClan territory to find my way to the training hollow. I found Ratscar, practicing battle moves with his apprentice, a tom with thick, dark gray fur. I gestured with my tail for my cats to surround the area, so that there would be no way for them to escape. We inched forward.

Ratscar was explaining a move to the apprentice. "Okay, so you push off of the tree and leap right at your opponent. Make sure your forepaws are tucked underneath you body so that the impact is as...Graypaw! Are you listening to me at all?"

Graypaw had noticed the ThunderClan cats and had turned to look behind him to see if they were surrounded. "Great StarClan, what..."

Ratscar had just realized why his apprentice had stopped listening. "What are you doing here?"

I padded up to Ratscar on his left and Foxleap flanked him on the other side. "Come with us to our camp. It's urgent. I wouldn't suggest that you should even try to resist."

"What's going on, Ratscar?" Graypaw whined. "Does this happen all the time?"

Ratscar tried to hide his fear and confusion. "Don't worry, Graypaw, it'll be fine. Go with the ThunderClan cats. Let's see what they want."

"Fine? It depends on how you define 'fine' I suppose." I began leading the pair of ShadowClan cats towards our territory.

A/N: What do you think Bumblestar is planning to do with them? Hope you enjoyed, thanks for your support, you guys are the best! :D

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