~Suna Rintarou~

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"Wow. Is it really you? Haven't seen you in awhile." The girl said, a bit shocked.

"Mm, well that was a really long time ago I barely remember you." He lied.

"Oh I see..." The girl looked a bit disappointed. "You actually got me through a pretty rough time." She said, finishing with an awkward laugh.


"You two know each other?" Two boys asked.

"No, not really." The girl replied.

They looked to the other boy, to which he replied with a shrug.

Click! Crash! Click! Zoom!

"I'm winning."

"What!? No way how are you in first?"

The little girl shrugged smirking. "Oh- I finished in first." The girl said smiling.

"*Sigh* Silly games." The nurse said shaking her head.

"You're just saying that 'cause you're a sore loser." The girl said laughing.

The nurse rolled her eyes and picked up her clipboard, "I'm going to go pick up your lunch, it may be awhile. Feel free to play another race by yourself. I'll be back." The nurse said heading out the door not closing it behind her.

Oh- she forgot to close it... The girl thought. I'll close it. The girl got down and walked to close the door, she almost had it shut but her legs were shaking and the distance from the door to the bed seemed to grow. Y/N grumbled concerned, and irritated. She looked around frantically and there was no one. All of a sudden Y/N heard a door open and a boy came out of the room next to her's.

"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Do you, do you, do you, do you. Know what you're doing, doing, to me?-"

"A-Ah! Excuse me!"

"Huh?" The boy said taking out his earphones.

"Can you help me out?"

"Oh- sure. What exactly do you need help with?" The boy said squinting at her shaky legs.

"I just need help to the bed, please."

"Uhm, sure..." He said walking over to her. "Put your arm around my shoulder." 

Y/N nodded.


"*Sigh* Thank you."

"Oh yeah, no problem." The boy said turning around, walking to the door.

Y/N slightly panicked. Was she going to just let him leave? "A-Ah! W-Wanna stay and play Mario Kart?"

"Oh- Sure." The boy said nonchalantly.




"What are you doing in Y/N's room?"

"Y/N? Oh the girl." He said pointing to Y/N. "We're playing Mario Kart."

"Well- uh well I know that but-"

"Ohhh, she got up to close the door and I guess she needed help going back, and I helped her, so I got to play Mario Kart with her, I guess."

"Oh, Y/N, did I forget to close the door?"


"Sorry, honey."

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