The Surprise: Part 8

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Shuriki didn't have to go far to find Esteban. After being utterly humiliated in front of everyone he'd retreated into the darkness and solitude of his room. She'd wanted to go to him immediately after the fiasco at the autumn ball, but Elena and the others had all demanded an explanation, so Shuriki explained everything about her father's suspicious death, Grisha's failed attempt to court her, and exactly why King Lazar had exiled her in the first place.

Elena sat silent and stone faced through it all. When Shuriki finished her story, the young crowned princess folded her arms and scowled. "So you're the one who created the storm that sank Tia Rosalia and Tio Aléjandro's ship?"

Shuriki blanched. "What? No! Elena, were you even listening to me?"

Francisco intervened. "Elena, Shuriki's trying to explain to you that she believes Grisha, and perhaps his familia, may be responsible for the deaths of her padre and your tios."

Shuriki huffed. "Elena, try using some common sense here. If I'd been plotting to usurp Lazar, why would I risk bringing attention to myself by sinking the ship your aunt and uncle were on? Killing them would've been counterproductive to my intentions."

"She has a point," Naomi remarked. "Shuriki didn't have any reason to target Esteban's parents. Killing them was unnecessary. I doubt she'd risk exposure until it was time for her to make her move. She's not stupid. She wouldn't want any attention on her as it would've made taking the throne harder. King Lazar would've suspected her of being up to something and kept a closer eye on her."

"That's true," Elena admitted. She eyed the ex-sorceress for a moment before releasing a heavy sigh. "Grisha's refusing to negotiate with us until we 'return what we've stolen'. I'm assuming he means you. He won't put his signature to a trade agreement unless we agree to send you back to the Northern Islands with him."

"I'm not going," Shuriki growled. "I'm staying in Avalor. My place is with Esteban. I love him."

"We know you do, mija," Luisa replied. "We don't doubt your love for our nieto."

The Flores family matriarch patted the sorceress' hand to calm her down and reassure her they were on her side.

"What are we going to do about Grisha?" Francisco asked. "I doubt he'll back down when we refuse his demands. There's a chance he might even declare war on Avalor."

Elena frowned. "I hadn't thought about that. The Northern Islands is well known for its army. Avalor can't afford a war. We're still recovering from the last crisis. I can't ask people to risk their lives, not when they've already endured so much. Mount Fuego did a lot of damage when it erupted. We still have repairs that need to be made. Many of the outer villages need more food, water and building materials sent to them in order to fix their homes and replant crops. That's why events like the festival and the ball are so important. They bring in a ton of revenue. A trade agreement between Avalor and the Northern Islands was supposed to give us more funds. Our coffers aren't as full as they once were. I have to find some way to refill them and I'd rather not do it by raising taxes. People are struggling to make ends meet as it is. I don't want to make things worse."

"I'm sorry, Elena. Truly, I am" Shuriki apologized. "I never meant for this to happen. I had no idea you were trying to negotiate a trade deal with another kingdom, especially not my homeland. I certainly didn't know Grisha would be given charge of negotiations. Believe it or not, Elena, you aren't the only one who was hoping things would go well this evening. My marriage is fragile at the moment. I don't need an embacile like Grisha Averchenko making it worse. If there's any way for Avalor to salvage trade negotiations with the Northern Islands, I think Esteban would be able to find it. He was always the best at defusing situations."

"Where is Esteban?" Elena asked.

"Upstairs," Shuriki told her. "Give me until morning. I'll speak to him and he'll come up with some solution to fix this, I know he will. Esteban's never failed before. He isn't about to start now."

Elena hesitated then nodded. "Alright. You have until then. Meet us in the council room first thing tomorrow."

Shuriki left the council room and slowly made her way up to Esteban's solar. The rooms were so dark she had to wait for her eyes to adjust, but he was indeed there, sitting on the recamier with his hands clasped and his chin resting his on his knuckles. Shuriki knew there was a hurricane raging inside him. Rage, hurt, sorrow and numerous other emotions danced in his eyes as he stared out at the dark starlit sky and the sprawling city beneath it.

Shuriki sat on the edge of the bed. She had to think before she spoke or they'd just end up having an argument that neither of them had the time, patience or energy for.

She took a deep breath then turned toward the recamier.


When he didn't answer she tried again. The man could be stubborn when he felt hurt or betrayed.

"It's going to be difficult for us to make a baby if you're all the way over there."

"Don't go there with me," he murmured. "I don't need more empty promises. I see now that our entire marriage has been one huge farse based on lies. I'm so sick of falsehoods and hidden secrets. I don't even know who you truly are, Shuriki. I don't think I ever did."

"Esteban, please...don't say that. Never say such things. The only reason I didn't tell you about my betrothal was because it was never official. My father died before Grisha and his family could get him to sign the marital contract. I didn't think it was important. Grisha means nothing to me. He's just part of my past-the part I'd like to forget if at all possible. I want to live in the present and focus on the future-our future-yours and mine."

Esteban snorted. "What possible future could we have together? You and I don't want the same things. I want a familia-children."

Shuriki scowled. "You think I don't? Esteban, I'm scared! I want all the same things you do, but what if something should happen to one of us? What if things go wrong? What if we have a falling out with Elena over one thing or another? I don't want the others in your family forced to choose sides. We'd have to leave the palace and go live elsewhere. I don't want that!"

"So it's the creature comforts you fear losing?"

Shuriki groaned in exasperation. "You are such a-I fear losing you! I don't want you having to choose between me and your family. It was horrid enough the first time." She stood and went to sit next to him on the recamier. "I'm yours. No one and nothing is going to change that. I don't want Grisha. I can't stand him. Esteban, you're my husband. I need you. We all do. Now more than ever."

Esteban furrowed his brow. "What's going on?"

"Grisha is refusing to sign his name to a trade agreement. He claims he won't negotiate with your cousin unless Elena sends me back with him to the Northern Islands. Esteban, he is threatening to go to war with Avalor if his demands are not met."

"He can't do that," Esteban protested jumping up from the recamier.

"He can," Shuriki replied, retaining her composure in spite of her salient discontent. "And he will."

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