Better Days

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Things would get easier in time, that's what others kept saying to her. Shuriki wasn't so sure. She believed Esteban when he said it though.

He'd never lie to her, not after all they'd been through. Her husband was an honest man and a good one despite what people said about him due to his affiliation with her.

She shifted the baby in her arms to push a stray stand of hair out of her face.

Their journey from Avalor Palace over to Nueva Vista had been a long one. It still felt so surreal to be able to come and go without the guards eyeing her at every turn. She clutched Esteban's hand as he helped her step down out of the carriage.

Their palace staff greeted them over by the main doors. Most of them were either young adults or middle aged. All of them had heard of Shuriki, but none had seen or met her in person.

They were all polite. Most kept their eyes down and wouldn't speak unless spoken to. Esteban and Alé did their best to be friendly and appear approachable. The other children kept close to Shuriki and tried to take in their new surroundings.

The palace was a lot smaller than Avalor palace. The layouts were also different, but the architecture was similar, arched entryways, double doors, and vaulted ceilings with stone tile flooring, ornate ironwork, and all in warm, bright colors.

Shuriki followed the maid up to her new private rooms. They had laid out a bowl of fresh fruit and a pitcher of coconut milk for her on the table. Clean sheets and a spacious, airy room welcomed her and Esteban as they stepped inside. The maid nodded when Esteban dismissed her. Shuriki heard the door close as the servant left to offer them some privacy.

"I trust these rooms are to your liking?"

"They are," Shuriki murmured. "Thank you, Esteban."

Shuriki turned to find him standing right behind her. She gasped softly and stepped back unused to having him so close. The sorceress and the chancellor turned duke hadn't been intimate since the conception of their youngest son Caz who was nearing six months out of the womb, though he'd also been two months early after Elena's stunt with the sterility potion.

Esteban seemed ready to remedy that as he moved close again when she stepped back trying to distance herself from him.

His hands were firm but gentle when he placed them on her shoulders, his voice barely more than a whisper. "You don't have to distance yourself from me, mi amada. I would never harm you or force my will upon you."

"I know," Shuriki replied. "I'm just..."


She nodded. "Being in a carriage for so long upset my back and legs."

"Perhaps you ought to lay down. I'll ask the cook to prepare your supper a little early and have the servants draw you a bath. How does that sound?"

He began to knead her shoulders with his thumbs to help relieve some of the tension in her sore muscles.

Shuriki moaned. "Wonderful."

Esteban kissed her temple. "I'll speak to the cook and maids then."

Shuriki watched him go. Caz kept napping oblivious to the happenings around him. The boy slept like the dead. Shuriki had taken to checking him every so often to reassure herself he was alright.

She laid the baby in his crib and went to siesta. An hour later she woke to a knock at her door. Esteban came with a tray of feijoada and pepian with leche asada for dessert and cholado to drink.

He set the tray on the bed then went over to Caz's crib. The baby was still asleep, so Esteban left him be. He sat in the chair beside Shuriki's bed and tried to make light conversation with her while she ate.

There was much to discuss. Most of his time had been spent carrying out his job as chancellor. Many days, after finishing his work, he'd gone to visit Shuriki only to find she'd already gone to sleep. It had been the same with the children.

"I think this move will be muy bueno for us," he told her as he watched her sip her cholado.

"You think so?"

Esteban nodded. "I don't want to waste time working when I could be spending all of my days with you and our bebés."

"I don't think any of our children would be pleased if they'd heard you call them babies. Don't forget both Aléjandro and Llorona are turning twenty this year."

"This is true," he conceded, "but Lio and Caz are young enough to qualify."

Shuriki hummed softly in thought. "You're right, I suppose..."

Esperanza being sixteen and Rosalia fourteen put both at an age where they'd each begun to crave independence, but were still too young to be far from their parents. Aléjandro had started taking on more and more responsibility as he was Esteban's heir. Llorona wanted to distance herself for reasons they didn't quite know, but still tried to understand, on the rare occasion when she did speak to them - or anyone else, for that matter.

"I know you're not used to things here and it's unsettling," Esteban remarked. "But with time I'm sure you'll become comfortable. I'll try to make the change in scenery and staff as quick and easy as I can for you, vida."

"Why do you call me that?" Shuriki asked. "These terms of endearment...all of Avalor knows we aren't...that the only reason I still live is because you didn't want the children to have to witness the execution of their mother. Our union and Caz's birth-"

"Are more than mere means of saving your life," Esteban assured her. "Shuriki, my feelings for you haven't changed. The circumstances surrounding our marriage and the conception of our youngest hijo are irrelevant, as are the deeds-rather misdeeds-of our past. I know you still have doubts about my loyalty and devotion to you, but in time you'll realize and eventually accept that my words are sincere and my love for you is genuine."

"I wish that I could believe that," Shuriki whispered. "My past deeds-"

"Are all forgiven and shall never be used against you," the duke asserted. "Not by me in any case."

Esteban stood and bowed. "You should rest. Our journey to this place was long and arduous. Sleep. I promise you'll feel more at ease after a full night's rest. You are welcome to call on me at any hour if you should want or need anything."

Shuriki nodded her thanks and watched him leave. Caz cried out in need of milk which Shuriki was quick to supply. She held the babe close long after he'd been fed and given fresh wool and linen for his diaper. Shuriki cradled him to her chest as he slept too afraid to place him back in his crib for fear someone might enter her rooms or something harmful might happen while she rested.

She said a silent prayer of thanks that Esteban had installed a barrier on the bed in case she wanted Caz to stay with her. She set the babe beside her and laid down to watch him sleep.

Perhaps Elena's decision to give Esteban control of the dukedom and move them to Nueva Vista was a blessing in disguise. Shuriki didn't know, and only time would tell. She needed to heal, not just herself, but her marriage, and her relationship with most of her children. She'd been a less than adequate wife and lackluster mother. Shuriki wanted to make amends and do right by Esteban and their family.

She closed her eyes. Getting to Nueva Vista had been a long and difficult journey. She needed rest if she was going to better herself and begin again with her family in their new and improved home.

Shuriki x Esteban RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now