Night Terrors Part #4

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To say Esteban was terrified of Shuriki would've been an understatement. He'd tried to avoid the witch in the weeks leading up to their wedding, but couldn't predict when she'd make an appearance. Shuriki often called on him to attend court knowing as chancellor he couldn't refuse. He'd stood at her side while she'd twisted Avalor's laws to suit her preferences and dispensed what she called justice.

Shuriki's kill count had risen significantly since her return to power. She wasn't holding back like she had at the beginning of her first forty-one year reign. She seemed to take pleasure in ridding Avalor of those she labeled enemies to the crown.

People unfortunate enough to cross her or be considered threats to her supremacy faced exile or execution. No exceptions or alternatives.

Just thinking about the prince of Fortaleza's fate made Esteban shudder. Tomás had been the fifth born son in a family with eight children. His death was of little consequence when one considered his place in Fortaleza's line of succession, but it had been horrifying all the same. He'd been forced to watch Shuriki drain the life out of Tomás until all that remained was a dry, withered husk. No organs, muscles or bodily fluids. Only skin and bones.

After seeing that, it had taken all of his courage to kiss the witch during their wedding. Now here he was, making his way to her rooms, armed only with a dagger intent on killing her.

Gabe and Rico were on duty outside the witch's door when he rounded the corner. They looked pale and uneasy. Knowing Shuriki, she'd threatened to kill them or their families if Esteban failed to appear within an allotted timeframe.

Both exchanged a solemn nod with Esteban who took a deep breath before stepping forward to knock on the door.

"Come in," crooned the queen's voice on the other side of the solid mahogany.

Esteban took a deep breath and gripped the handleset. The copper felt chilled against his sweaty palm, the wood so much heavier than usual as he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Shuriki stood at the window staring out at the beginnings of sunset. She glanced over her shoulder.

"Took you long enough."

Esteban bowed low. "My apologies, Your Grace. I didn't mean to make you wait. It won't happen again, I assure you."

"See that it doesn't," she replied, turning toward him with an unusual expression.

Shuriki didn't quite seem herself as she motioned for him to straighten. Her face was flushed and her voice didn't hold its usual venom. She'd changed out of her wedding gown and into a soft seafoam green robe lined in white fur. Esteban could see the rose colored silk of her nightgown peeking out from under the long, flowy mantle.

Shuriki beckoned him over. "Come, here Esteban, and let me look at you."

Esteban stepped forward, but kept an arm's length of distance between them. Even so, he could still smell a hint of wine on her breath. "You...look lovely, Your Grace."

"Do I?" She moved closer and Esteban fought the urge to run for the door as she reached up and touched his cheek. "You always were a handsome one, you know."

Her delicate hands felt ice cold against his skin. Esteban's first instinct was to recoil as she traced the curve of his jaw with a long, slender finger. However, he knew what she'd do if he displeased her, so he forced himself to stay and endure her touch.

"You're frightened of me, aren't you?" Shuriki whispered. "I can hear the fear in your heartbeats, and the thrumming of your pulse, how they quicken when I walk in the room. Am I that terrifying, Estéban?"

Shuriki didn't give Esteban a chance to answer. She closed what little distance remained between them and wrapped her arms around him.

"There was a time when you enjoyed my company," she continued. "I miss those days. I want them back. Don't you?"

Panic set in when her hands began to roam his body over his clothes. Esteban jumped at first then stepped back out of the sorceress' reach. "That was long ago. I have since learned that some things are better left in the past."

Shuriki frowned. "Is that so, Estéban?"

He knew he'd made a mistake when her eyes narrowed as if she was staring at a disobedient servant.

Before Esteban had any chance to react, Shuriki yanked him up by his shirt, and threw him halfway across the room. He landed on the large four-poster canopy bed with such force it knocked the wind out of him.

Esteban coughed and gasped as he tried to catch his breath. He made several desperate attempts to move, but his arms and legs felt too weak to hold his weight.

Despite Esteban's disorientation, he drew the dagger, and lashed out at Shuriki when she appeared next to him.

The blade, however, never made contact. Shuriki was too fast. She backstepped his assault and grabbed his wrist.

Shuriki didn't want to hurt Esteban, but he kept fighting her, so she twisted until his wrist popped.

Esteban cried out in agony and dropped the knife. She let go and he immedistely clutched his broken wrist to his chest.

Shuriki retrieved the knife, a Flores family heirloom, if what Esteban had told her earlier at the reception was true. She held the dagger up for him to see then hurled the weapon across the room. Esteban watched it embed so deep in the wall that its hilt was the only thing sticking out of the granite.

Esteban began to retreat when she pulled her wand, but Shuriki froze him in place with her magic. Words were pointless by then, so she used her wand to heal his broken bones.

"There...all better."

Esteban collapsed onto the mattress his head hitting a pillow as soon as she released him. Too exhausted to fight, he just laid there, waiting for her to strike the final blow.

Much to his shock and confusion, she climbed in the bed, and laid down next to Esteban with her head resting on his chest. He wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, the words wouldn't come. It was as if he'd lost his voice.

Shuriki reached up and began to stroke his cheek with her thumb. "Rest. We'll celebrate our union later once you have had time to come to terms with all that's happened."

Esteban wanted to protest, to stand up and walk right out, but he was so tired. Shuriki murmured a spell in Northern tongue, flicked her wand, and watched Esteban sink into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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