The Surprise: Part 5

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Shuriki wasn't a morning person, thus Esteban was surprised when he woke up to find her side of the bed empty.

He looked around and found Shuriki sitting at her vanity brushing her head. "You're up early."

"I want to make a good impression," she replied, pulling her hair into it's usual style.

Esteban got out of bed, walked over and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I'm sure the other royal guests will be kind. Elena wrote to Sofia to tell her you'd returned to us and the pequeña princesa was thrilled to learn of your change of heart."

"I wish everyone else was as excited as the little princess," Shuriki sighed. "Most of Avalor detests me and the only reason Elena's allowing me to attend the festival is because of you. If she had it her way, I'd never leave the palace grounds or I'd be spending what remains of my life down in a dungeon cell."

Esteban refused to admit that Elena had wanted to execute Shuriki after the sorceress was dethroned. The chancellor of Avalor had intervened, pleading for mercy on her behalf. His cousin had relented, but not without making it clear she saw Esteban as a traitor to the family for protecting the witch who'd killed her parents. It didn't matter to Elena that Raul had disgraced and humiliated Shuriki, or that his doing so had cost the woman her job as royal sorceress of the Northern Islands. Elena had spared Shuriki's life, but the crowned princess refused to forgive her for what she'd done. Esteban believed without a doubt that his royal cousin and her grand council would have sentenced the only woman he loved to death if he hadn't been there to intercede.

"Elena just needs time, mi amor. She's always been prideful and slow to forgive. She'll realize how wonderful you are. Just give her time, si?"

Shuriki sighed again. "Alright..."

Esteban planted a kiss on the top of Shuriki's head. "Bueno. Now we have to get ready! All the other royal families should be arriving soon!"

Shuriki gaped. "Esteban, how many royal families did your cousin invite?!"

Esteban hesitated. "Um..."

Shuriki narrowed her eyes at him. "Esteban..."

He gave her a sheepish smile. "All of them...?"


Her shouts and curses went on for about half an hour which wasn't really bad considering how volatile Shuriki's tamtrums could get. If she'd had her wand, he was almost certain the entire palace would've gone up in flames. She had calmed down a bit by the time they met up with the other members of his family. Two royal carriages waited to take them down to the docks. Elena, Mateo, Francisco, Luisa, Naomi and Gabe rode in one while Isabel, Carla, Esteban, Shuriki, Fiero and Victor rode in the other.

The old malvago and the Delgados had gone from being some of the worst enemies the kingdom of Avalor had ever faced to its greatest protectors in a matter of months. The trio had surprised them all whenever they chose to stay and fight instead of running when one of Elena's enemies, Orizaba, returned to engulf all of Avalor in a never ending night. Fiero had assisted Elena and Mateo in their fight with the moth fairy whilst the Delgados had destroyed the crystal she needed in order to cast a spell that would blanket the world in permanent darkness. They'd proven their bravery and loyalty again whenever a coyote spirit, Troyo, tried to free the duende brothers just to cause trouble.

In the end, Esteban had stepped in to assist, and unintentionally tied the cunning coyote spirit to himself as a spirit guide in order to make certain Troyo couldn't cause the jungle or its inhabitants anymore trouble. Elena had pardoned Fiero and the Delgados and agreed to let them stay in Avalor as long as they didn't lie, cheat, steal or break any other laws.

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