Chance Encounter

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! All the characters belong to Disney.

Note: I meant to publish this back on Valentine's Day, but I wasn't able to finish it until now.

Springtime in Avalor was proving to be a bit much for Esteban to handle. It was Dia del Amor and he was the only one without a girlfriend. Everywhere he went couples perused the stalls merchants had set up for Dia del Amor's festival. Even Victor had a sweetheart on his arm.

Esteban sighed. In a few months he'd turn twenty which meant he'd finally be an adult according to the laws of his country. Why couldn't he have a novia? He was sick and tired of spending every holiday with his familia. Yes, he loved his abuelos, tio, tia and primas, but it would've been so nice to have a pretty señorita of his own to at least spend Dia del Amor with.

A loud curse caught his attention and he turned to see a woman kneeling to pick up her groceries. Esteban immediately ran over and started helping her gather up the spices, eggs, fruit and vegetables that'd tumbled out of her wicker basket.

"I can carry those for you if you wish," he offered.

"I can carry my own groceries," the woman growled, snatching the basket out of his hand.

Esteban frowned at her harsh reply, but quickly forgot all about it when she straightened and he got his first real look at her.

She was older than him, early thirties most likely, with long raven hair and emerald green eyes that matched her gown. Her porcelain skin and style of dress made it obvious she wasn't from Avalor.

"If I've offended you in some way-" he began.

The woman sighed. "No, you haven't. I'm so sorry. Thank you for assisting me." She then shifted the basket from one arm to the other and held out her hand. "I'm Shuriki."

He took her hand which was surprisingly cool to the touch. "Esteban. Are you sure you don't want me to carry that stuff for you?"

"Don't trouble yourself," Shuriki told him.

"It wouldn't be any trouble," Esteban assured her. "I'm happy to help."

Shuriki eyed him for a moment then resigned herself to the fact that he wasn't going to leave her alone until she agreed to let him carry her things. "Very well. If you insist."

Esteban bit the inside of his cheek to stave off his triumphant grin. He was a gentleman after all-or at least he tried to be-as she relinquished the big basket and walked along beside him.

"You're a strong young man," she noted as he carried the food to his carriage. She seemed a little uneasy at the idea of being in an enclosed space, especially with a stranger.

"We can walk if you prefer," he offered at seeing her displeased expression.

"I suppose the trip back to my cottage would be quicker by carriage," she sighed.

Esteban bowed and held out his hand to help her. Shuriki seemed pleased. She took his hand as she stepped up into the dark, cool carriage and took a seat across from him.

The trip took longer than Esteban expected making him glad he'd offered her a ride. The mere thought of her having to walk so far, and in heels no less, made his feet ache.

Shuriki only spoke when spoken to. Esteban didn't ask her questions since it seemed to upset her. For the most part, she stared out the window, making it abundantly clear that his efforts to make light conversation made her unhappy.

Shuriki x Esteban RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now