The Surprise: Part 9

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Shuriki felt terrible. She wanted to be in Esteban's arms. She wanted to hold him close, to tell him she loved him, and hear him say that he still loved her too, but it wasn't happening-at least not any time in the near future.

Esteban laid beside her in their bed, his back to her, his eyes unfocused. He could not shake the anger or pain he felt. It ate at him until he was exhausted, yet sleep continued to evade him. He suffered in silence. Part of him knew he was being petty and ludicrous, but in that moment, he could have cared less about Shuriki's feelings. He wanted her to suffer like he was. How dare that sorceress keep such secrets! He'd never lied or hid anything from her. What sort of woman didn't tell her husband about a potential marital contract?

Even if the contract hadn't been signed, Northern Islander law prohibited any marriage between Northern Islanders and foreigners. By reinstating Shuriki's citizenship, Grisha-and Ilya, though the latter hadn't meant to-had rendered his marriage to Shuriki invalid. Their union was still binding in Avalor, but Esteban would be thrown in prison and charged for absconding with a betrothed woman should he ever step foot in the Northern Islands. It wouldn't matter why he was there either. They'd prosecute him and Elena wouldn't be able to do anything about it unless she waged war on the Northern Islands.

Shuriki had known. Her duties as court sorceress would've included her being privy to the laws of whatever kingdom she served, and yet she'd kept insisting he wed her anyway. Had she been trying to get him killed all along?

Esteban threw off the covers and got out of bed. He saw no point in laying there. He was too restless to sleep.

"Esteban?" Shuriki sat up and saw him standing in front of the window looking out over Avalor city. "It's late. Come back to bed."

"I don't want to."

"You need rest," she persisted.

"I'm too pissed off!" He turned around to glare at her and threw up his hands. "How could you do this? Keep all these secrets? Humiliate me in front of all of Avalor? What have I done for you to hate me so? Do you take so much pleasure in disrespecting me?"

Shuriki frowned. "You know I don't."

He eyed her warily as though he didn't believe a word she said. "Anything else you wish to tell me? What other secrets have you been hiding?"

Shuriki scowled. "I have no secrets. The only reason I didn't say anything about that damn contract is because it doesn't matter!" She got up out of their bed and closed the distance between them. "I'm your wife, Esteban." She cupped his face and made him look at her. "Nothing and no one is ever going to change that. I am yours. I hate Grisha Averchenko. He and that stupid contract of his mean nothing to me. I never liked him. I love you and only you. You're my husband and I will never abandon you, Esteban. I need you to believe me when I say that. Do you?" Shuriki forced him to meet her eye and hold her gaze when he refused to reply. "Answer me!"

"I want to believe," he murmured. "I'm confused. I do not understand. Shuriki, you know the outcome. If we ever travel to the Northern Islands..."

She pulled him to her and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "We won't. I've no desire or intention of ever returning to that grey waste."


Shuriki silenced him with a fierce kiss. "You are my only love. Avalor is my home. I'm not going anywhere, I promise you that."

Esteban stared into her eyes. Whatever he was looking for, he must've found it, because he cupped the back of Shuriki's head to keep her in place and returned her kiss with just as much ferocity.

Shuriki encouraged his advances in any way she could. They made quick work of each other's clothes. Her night gown and his own night pants and shirt landed on the floor as he lifted her and carried her back to bed.

"I'm afraid," she admitted quietly. "Esteban, please, don't let him take me. I'd rather die than live without you. I feel so cold, empty, and lifeless inside when we're apart."

"Grisha Averchenko won't be taking you anywhere," Esteban assured her. "Novia, we are two sides to the same coin, you and I. You carry one half of my soul. A person can't survive with just half a soul. They'd always feel incomplete, as I do whenever we're not together. You and I can not-will not-be separated. Nobody steals mi esposa. I'll strike down anyone who tries."

Shuriki pushed him down on the mattress. "I want a baby. I want us to have a family of our own. Ours. No one else's. I'm ready. I told you otherwise earlier, but I didn't mean it. You just caught me off guard and I'm frightened I'll ruin it somehow. I want the same things in life you do. Our goals are one and the same now and always."

Shuriki aligned their bodies and sank down onto his cock.

Esteban moaned. His hands found and fondled her breasts while she rolled her hips in time to the thrust of his hips. Their rhythm began at a slow, even pace each determined to make it last as long as possible, then escalated.

Shuriki rode him without mercy or restraint digging the nails of one hand into his shoulder while she gripped the headboard for added support with the other.

"I'm close," she panted. "Esteban, it feels so good..."

Esteban shifted enough to glide his cock over the sweet spot inside of her. Shuriki's moans and gasps crescendoed into cries of pleasure as her feminine sheath tightened and contracted around him.

Esteban held her as she rode out a wave of pleasure before finding his own release and flooding her with his essence.

Shuriki wrapped her arms around him hugging and kissing him until they were both too exhausted to move. It took all her willpower to ease off of him onto the bed. She wanted to ensure she kept as much of his seed within her as possible.

"I don't want to waste any of it," she whispered.

"There's plenty more where that came from," he assured her.

"What are we going to do about Averchenko? she asked, snuggling up to him.

"I know how to deal with a man like Averchenko," Esteban replied. "Don't worry, mi corazón. All will be well and as it should be once I am through with him."

Shuriki closed her eyes. Everything would be fine as long as Esteban was by her side. He'd never failed her before, not in forty-three years. He wouldn't start now.

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