Worlds Away Part #1

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"You're saying there are many timelines that are connected to ours, and Mateo ripped a hole in one of them?" Elena asked.

"More or less," Naomi replied.

Esteban looked up at the gaping vortex fixed to the stone wall of Mateo's magic workshop, then folded his arms across his chest and glared down at Avalor's royal wizard.

Mateo blushed and rubbed the back of his neck while avoiding the older man's gaze. Um... more than one, actually."

Esteban pinched the bridge of his nose. "Madre de Dios... por favor, tell me you'll be able to fix it."

Mateo gave him a sheepish smile. "Maybe...?"

Victor stared at the vortex until the bright glow and swirling of colors made him nauseous. Carla placed her hand over his eyes. "I think we should close the portal before anything bad happens."

The vortex was fixed into place. It radiated raw magical energy. No one wanted to get close for fear they'd be pulled into one of the alternate timelines.

Elena frowned. "What happens if someone goes inside?"

"They'd end up in some parallel timeline where their presence or actions could potentially alter or unravel that universe," Gabe explained.

Mateo looked at Gabe, surprised. "How-"

"I read a lot of science fiction," Gabe said.

"The best thing we can do is stay away from that portal or door or... whatever it is until de Alva figures out how to get rid of it," Rico remarked.

"My thoughts exactly," Elena turned. "Gabe, you and Rico make sure that everyone keeps their distance. Mateo, find out how to close up that gateway. I don't want our timeline or any of the others to get damaged or destroyed."

Mateo nodded. "I'm on it!"

Esteban turned on his heel and headed for the door. Being near the portal made him uneasy. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end any time he'd come close to it.

The magic that it exuded wasn't evil or good. De Alva claimed all magic was really neutral. It was a person and their purpose behind the power they used that would decide whether their magic was either divine or unholy.

Esteban didn't care what kind of magic rolled off that gateway. He just wanted it closed before something went horribly wrong or some villain found out about the gateway and tried to utilize it for a malevolent reason. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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