Young Love

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Disclaimer: Elena of Avalor and all its characters belong to Disney.

Note: Alek, Ximena, Lazar, Tomás, Miguel, Ilya, Grisha, Diego and Elizaveta belong to me. If you do use them in fanart or fanfiction, please remember to give me credit as their creator. Thank you.

Esteban didn't see any point in complaining when his Tio Raul arranged his betrothal to the daughter of the court sorcerer from the Northern Islands. He'd known from a young age that his marriage would be a political match. Advantageous unions were par for the course in noble families like his.

And Raul Castillo had made good on his promise to find his nephew a beautiful wife. The portrait he'd shown him was of a willowly, statuesque woman with long raven hair, crimson lips, a heart-shaped face, rosy pale skin and large upturned eyes that matched the emerald green silk of her gown.

"She's quite mature for her age and isn't one to tolerate nonsense," Raul told him as they admired her portrait.

"She's hermosa," Esteban admitted.

"I knew you'd like her," Raul smiled.

"What's her name?"

"Shurochka," Raul answered. "But she goes by Shuriki."

Esteban said her name a few times and found he liked the way it rolled off his tongue.

"When do I meet her?"

"She'll be here in a fortnight. You'll wed her as soon as she arrives."

Esteban blanched. "I don't even get to court her?"

"Shuriki's father has died and King Lazar's worried about his niece. He fears Shuriki may be in danger and that her safety will be compromised somehow if she stays in the Northern Islands. We've agreed that the best place for her is in Avalor with you since you are going to be her esposo."

"Why does he think she's in danger?"

"Lazar believes a rival had Alek killed in order to take his place as court sorcerer. As Alek's daughter, the job was supposed to pass down to Shuriki, but Lazar's afraid that she'll share her father's fate. He wants her here and married as soon as possible."

Esteban frowned. "Does he even know who caused the court sorcerer's passing?"

Raul sighed. "He does, but the people responsible for Alek's passing hold far too much influence within his court for the king to oppose them openly, thus the best way to protect Shuriki is to have her marry you. She'll be ineligible to inherit her father's duties."

"Why is that?"

"Northern Islanders who've wed foreigners aren't legally permitted to hold any office of power. Shuriki won't be a target if she does not qualify to be court sorcerer."

"So Lazar's sending Shuriki away because he's too weak to keep his own courtiers in line?"

Raul shook his head. "It's more complex than that, Esteban. A king's only as strong as his supporters. Rulers have to rely upon their nobles to help them keep their crowns. When noblemen rebel it is often due to dissatisfaction and usually spells the end of a royal bloodline. Lazar can not afford to put the well-being of a niece above his own son and heir."

"Of course he can't."

Esteban had never been fond of King Lazar. He was a kind, generous and jovial man, but far too indecisive to ever rule effectively. His heir, Ilya, was more ruthless, but lacked the puritanical practices most of the Northern Islanders were known for.

Esteban truly considered it a miracle the Averchenkos still held power. Their unseating was inevitable, however, for weak kings never lasted long on any throne, especially in a kingdom as harsh, cold and dark as the Northern Islands.

"Is there anything else or may I go?"

"I believe that's everything," Raul replied.

His cousin Elena was waiting in the hall with her ladies-in-waiting when Esteban exited the council room. He'd made it about a quarter way down the hall when she and all her friends surrounded him and began bombarding him with questions.

His own best friend, Victor, even seemed to materialize out of nowhere. "Well...?"

"Well what?" Esteban asked trying to appear unaffected by his impending nuptials.

"What does she look like, El Segundo?"

"I bet she's hermosa," Elena chimed in.

"She is a sorceress, is she not?" Ash demanded. "I'm really hoping she isn't too powerful. I don't want or need another rival for the royal wizard's position. It's bad enough having Mateo around. I still can't believe Alacazar's considering him as a possible contender for the job."

"Well, Mateo is his nieto," Felicia reminded her.

"Oh, who cares about the position of royal wizard," Hortensia cut in, giving a dismissive wave with her fan. "You must tell us all about your fianceé, Don Esteban. Is she rich?"

Esteban bit back a frustrated groan then sidestepped them all and stalked off toward his private rooms.

He'd just shrugged out of his coat when he heard a knock on his solar door. The young nobleman sighed and rolled his eyes as he moved to open it. Pure relief swept over him when he saw his grandfather standing on the other side.

"Hola, Abuelo. I take it Tio Raul told you?"

Francisco nodded. "He did. May I come in?"

Esteban stepped back so the Flores patriarch could enter.

"How are you feeling, nieto?" he asked.

"Not muy bueno," Esteban admitted. "Something's off about this betrothal."

Francisco furrowed his brow. "You think so?"

"It makes me feel uneasy, though I'm not sure why."

"Maybe because Avalor and the Northern Islands have a turbulent relationship? It is no secret the two kingdoms have been at odds with one another in the past. There's even been talk of war from time to time. Which is why your marriage to the king's niece is such a necessity. It ensures peace for everyone involved."

Esteban sighed. "I know, Abuelo. I just wish..."

"That you had the freedom to follow your heart and choose your own esposa," Francisco finished for him.

Esteban bowed his head.

Francisco placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "I'm sorry, mijo. I had hoped you'd be able to choose your own esposa, but it seems fate has other plans."

"Tio Raul, you mean."

Francisco sighed. "Esteban..."

"I know," Esteban groaned. "Our familia is counting on me. My marriage will bring peace and stability to Avalor and the Northern Islands."

Francisco gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I'm proud of you, nieto. You're putting the wellfare and safety of others above your own desires."

"Si, Abuelo. I'm just worried this decision will come back to bite me in the backside."

Francisco chuckled. "I'm sure everything will be fine, mijo. Things always have a way of working out for the best."

"If you say so, Abuelo. For the time being, I'll reserve judgement."

They stood in a comfortable silence for several moments then Francisco asked, "So is she bonita?"

Esteban blushed profusely when the old man wiggled his eyebrows. "Abuelo!"

Francisco laughed. "What? It's a simple question."

"She's muy hermosa," Esteban admitted.

"Physical attraction may not be the most important thing in a marriage," the patriarch said, "but it helps and you've got to start somewhere, si?"

Esteban nodded.

He just prayed Shuriki's beauty wasn't skin deep. Loyalty, intelligence and discretion were essential when dealing with other members of the Avaloran royal court. Not everyone had honest intent and the last thing Esteban and his family needed was a wife who couldn't be trusted.

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