Chapter Fifteen

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-Newt's POV-

I could feel the familiar rumble underneath my feet in the ground before I heard it. The loud booming noise of the box coming up sounded throughout the glade. I wondered if it would wake Y/N up. She was still sleeping. It was pretty early, the sun was just beginning to peek over the tall walls.

I jogged over to the box with the other gladers. Most of them wished it was another girl. But it's not like rule four would be different for the new girl anyways. I stood at the front of the box with Alby before it thudded to a halt. When we pulled back the doors of the box the greenie was already standing. It was another guy. He looked to be about the same age as me, around 16 or 17. The greenie had wavy dark brown hair and looked as confused as Y/N did when she came up the same box. He shielded his eyes from the sun when he looked up at the boys above him.

"So, are you gonna help me up or what?" He asked from below.

Alby grinned and reached down to help him out of the box. The greenie stood up once he was out and looked at his surroundings with a surprised look on his face. He was taking in the sight of the walls for the first time. I still remember when I came into the glade for the first time. I can imagine how he's feeling.

"Welcome to the glade, greenie," Alby said. "I'm assuming you don't remember your name, but that's okay-"

"Actually it's Dominic," the boy smiled and held out his hand to a surprised Alby. It seemed as if the greenies were remembering their names earlier and earlier as they came up.

Alby shook his hand, "Well Dominic, my name's Alby, and I'm in charge around here. Newt is my second in command."

I smiled at Dominic when Alby gestured my way. The greenie's calm state made coming up through the box seem easy.

"Now usually the last greenie gives the newbie a tour around the glade but.." Alby stopped short when he remembered where our last greenie was, "..she can't right now."

"She?" Dominic asked, looking confused, "Where is she?"

I thought about Y/N who was sleeping in the slammer right now. I didn't like her being locked up but I was scared. What if once she got out she tried to run into the maze again? Why would she even do that in the first place? It broke my heart thinking about what could've driven her to try such a thing. I felt a feeling of guilt whenever I thought about it. I somehow felt responisble for it. Maybe if Alby hadn't found out about the willow this would've never happened. Y/N had been alone for too long. She had no one to talk to. It was our fault. My fault.

"Newt? Could you take the greenie on the tour? You should probably explain.." Alby's question snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sure thing. Come with me," I said, gesturing for the greenie to follow.

Dominic walked around the glade beside me as I toured him. He didn't ask as many questions as I expected and silently nodded along with what I said. I explained everything he needed to know. Soon I got to the part about the three, now four, rules.

"One: Never Leave the Glade, unless you're a runner. Two: Never Harm Another Glader. Three: Always do your part, the glade doesn't work unless we all work together evenly. And there is a fourth rule too. We just recently made it when she came," I told him as we walked up to the slammers. I had saved the slammers for last, knowing I would have to introduce her too him.

"Who's 'she'?" Dominic asked, just as we pulled up in front of the slammer door.

He looked down into the slammer and I saw his eyes widen. Y/N was sleeping still. I wasn't surprised after her long day yesterday. Her head was resting on the dirt wall behind her; her chest was rising up and down slowly as she slept. She looked delicate and peaceful in her sleep.

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