Chapter Three

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As I follow Gally farther into the woods I attempt to steady my breaths and calm my nerves. Telling myself I have nothing to be worried about. I squint through the blackness of the forest and am about to ask Gally whats going on before I spot light ahead. Gally slows and soon I can see we are approaching a group of boys holding torches. They all turn at the sound of Gally and I approaching and watch us enter the small clearing. Some of the boys have amusement in their eyes while others seem nervous or guilty. As if they were caught doing something wrong. I ignore their weird expressions and look around. I realized that we've reached the side of one of the Glade walls, covered in ivy.

"Okay Gally. I followed you here. Now what do you want?" I ask defensively, feeling a little scared by the intimidating group of boys surrounding me, but trying not to show it.

"Don't worry sweetheart, we're just trying to have some fun," Gally smirks. "Just giving you a challenge."

Now I'm suspicious.

"Uh, thanks Gally but I'll pass," I reply starting to walk backwards, wishing I had stayed by the fire with Newt. I come to a halt when I bump into someone behind me. I turn to see the that the gap I had come through to the clearing had been blocked off by more boys from Gally's gang. Realizing I was trapped I start to panic.

"Gally. Let me out," I say firmly looking Gally in the eyes. Silence fills the clearing after my sentence. Quickly I realize my mistake. And see anger pooling in Gally's eyes. Gally does not like to be told what to do, especially by a girl.

Gally remains calm, chuckles, and motions to me, "Hey boys, the Greenbean here thinks that she can tell me what to do. She thought wrong." I stand still with my arms crossed watching the other boys laugh at Gally's statement.

Gally continues, "Look newbie, all I want you to do is a little challenge for me. See the ivy on the walls?" he says, pointing to the wall. I nod. "I want you to climb it for me. Atleast halfway. Alright?" I look at Gally trying to figure out why the shuck he pulled me into the woods to try and make me climb a damn wall. I look at the ivy and try to decide if it's a good idea.

"No Gally," I say cautiously, "I'm not climbing the wall."

Gally's...interesting eyebrows furrow angrily, "No? Sorry, sweetheart, but I don't take 'no' for an answer." Gally replies. He starts advancing towards me.

"Now I'll ask one more time. Go over there and climb the ivy."

I brace myself as Gally approaches and lift my head higher to meet his gaze as he stands in front of me. I feel the warmth of his foul breath on my face as we glare at each other.

Not wanting to give in, I suck in a deep breath and answer, "No."

"Bad decision," I am barely able to realize what is going on before I feel Gally's caloused fist slam into my jaw. I stagger to the ground, unprepared. Before I can get to my feet I'm roughly pulled up and slammed into the wall. I feel Gally's arm on the back of my neck as he whispers angrily into my ear.

"Just climb the wall. I don't wanna have to ask again."

He then lets go and I lean against the wall trying to gather my balance. I hear another boy off to my right that I don't recognize talking to Gally.

"Gally, don't you think this is a bit much?"

"Oh c'mon, Kurt. Don't be such a sissy. She'll live, I just want to show her she can't mess with us."

I hold in a groan of pain as my head pounds from the attack, and look up at the wall towering in front of me. I glance back to see Gally and his gang watching me intensely, and realize there's no way they're letting me go if I don't do this. I sigh and start to haul my weak body up the wall. I struggle in my lack of upper-body strength, and hear laughs from the boys below. Their laughs only fuel me to do better, and I grip the vines even tighter as I ascend higher and higher. I'm determined to show them I'm not a weak little girl. Soon I decide to take a break and see if this was high enough for Gally. I make the mistake of looking down and feel my head spin more than it already was. I'm a good distance above the tree-tops and can barely see the boys below. In the view of the glade I spot the bonfire and wonder how my celebration is going without its 'guest of honor'. My hands are red in the moonlight and are blistering from the vines. I feel that if I go any further I'll collapse from exhaustion so I decide it's time to come down, no matter what Gally says. Just as I'm about to call out to Gally to inform him of my descent, I see Gally walk up to the vine I'm holding onto below with a smirk on his face. Sh*t. I think when I realize what Gally is about to do. But before I can react I see him reach out and grab my vine, and yank it with so much force I hear a snap from up above. And then I'm falling. I barely let out a short scream before my body thuds onto the forest floor. The last things I hear are shouts, before I give in to the darkness.

-Newt's POV-

The newbie celebration was coming to a close and I still hadn't seen Y/N again. I thought she must've gone to bed after the long day, and was a bit disapointed but continued on with my night. I was just talking to Alby, and that's when I hear it. A scream so high and petrified, chills run down my bones. It's her. My heart lurches as the sound of her scream abruptly cuts of. And then I'm running in the direction of her voice. I run straight into the woods and don't slow at the sounds of the other gladers trying to keep up with me. My worry of what could have happened to the poor girl at night, in a glade full of 50+ boys increases as I think about it. I ignore the pain in my ankle and slow down at the sight of Gally's gang ahead of me. This worries me even more. I should have never left Y/N alone! This was supposed to be her celebration night. I reach the crowd and force a path through the boys. I enter the clearing and abruptly stop at the sight of her. Other than the greenie being obviously unconscious, she has long scratches up and down her arms and a large black bruise forming on her jaw. But the worst part is Y/N's arm, swelling and jerked on an un-natural angle. I couldn't handle seeing the girl like this and my anger breached.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL GALLY?" I yell in an angry faze as I start walking up to him.

"It was an accident! We were just trying to have a little fu-" Gally is cut off as I punch him square in the face.

"What did you do to her?" I demand, gritting my teeth as I attempt to calm down. Not thinking about my actions as I pull Gally up by his collar and slam him against the glade walls. I'm about to throw another punch before Minho and Thomas grab me from behind and drag me off Gally.

"Chill dude, we'll handle Gally in a meeting tomorrow," I hear Minho say from behind me. I try to calm myself but have to know if Y/N's alright. I walk up to Clint and Alby who are carrying Y/N to the Med-Jack hut.

"Is she okay?" I ask attempting to look at her but Jeff is blocking the way.

"Yes, she's fine. Looks like she has a broken arm but nothing else too much serious." Jeff replies. I can feel my hands balling into fists knowing that she has broken a bone because of whatever Gally did, and have to restrain myself from finding Gally and beating him to a pulp.

"Now can you please go to bed and let us take care of her. Oh also, with all of this commotion you're making, anyone could guess you like her," Jeff says before turning and leaving me standing there in shock. I felt my cheeks go red and was glad for the dark so no one could see. Was it that obvious that I liked her? I wasn't even sure myself about my feelings toward Y/N. But I knew that I felt like I needed to protect her. And I had failed to do so tonight. How had her first night gone so wrong? I sighed and followed the others back towards our hammocks. I stared at the stars all night but sleep wouldn't come. My thoughts were too busy with concern for Y/N and anger towards Gally. Eventually I let my eyes drop to fall into torturous nightmares of what Gally and his gang could have done to her.


A/N: I feel so bad I waited so long to write this chapter. I for some reason suddenly lost the motivation to keep writing and am sorry if you were awaiting it to continue. I understand if no one is reading this anymore because I took so long, but I hope this chapter was good enough to make up for it? I'm pretty busy since my school is re-starting in a day so I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out. ALso sorry for making Gally the bad guy. I know that lots of stories do, but I needed an enemy for Y/N and couldn't think of anyone else. Thanks for reading! :)

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