Endeavor, Deku, and Shoto arrived a few hours later. Bakugou, as well as Y/N, were working out, sparring, to be exact. After Katsuki's little apology, the two seemed to get along much better. Halfway into their 7th sparring match, Enji walked in, calling both to meet him.

"Hawks told me about the little ambush that happened. Are both of you okay?" Both teens nodded, although Enji eyed Bakugou's wrapped right arm, not believing them. "Good, now I want you two to spare with Shoto and Deku while I work on some other business. At 12, you are all free to leave."

Shoto and Deku were waiting by the front. Endeavor ushered them over, explaining what he had to the other 2. He insisted on Shoto pairing with Y/N. With that, he left.

Shoto squared up with Verity, the fight was the farthest from even. As he shot ice at her, she was able to dodge, then dodge again as he sent another. It was a game of tag at this point until she was finally able to pin him to the mat. This was accomplished one of two ways, by sheer desperation or Shoto going easy on her. Either way, the position was more than awkward as she held onto his wrist, forcing them above his head. Although it didn't last for long, in a matter of seconds, their positions were switched.

Shoto knew her weakness from being around her for the past 3-months. Stopped by the odd and almost erotic scene, Katsuki watched in anger as the split hair boy leaned over, starting to tickle the girl trapped beneath him.

"Oh my god, Shoto, stop it, it's making my ribs hurt," the girl choked out through her hysterical giggles.

"Not until you surrender," he was true to his word, not stopping until the poor girl tapped out.

Shoto slumped next to her, stealing glances every once in a while.

"Hey, icy hot, snitch, it's time to go," Bakugou offered her a hand, pulling her up. They all walked together, parting ways to change.

After they were all done, they met outside. Shoto said he was gonna head home, yearning awe from Deku, who didn't want to be stuck alone with the two lunatics.

They decided to go grab some food. It was their late-night, so not many places would be open. They finally settled on a convenience store, buying meat buns and sitting outside on the sidewalk.

They enjoyed each other's company, especially Bakugou. The whole night he couldn't take his eyes off of Y/N. She looked so beautiful, and after seeing her use her quirk, he couldn't help but form a crush on her.

Suddenly her phone started to ring, turning it over and seeing the name she had been waiting for she got up and excused herself. Deku ended up needing to leave, and Bakugou didn't like the idea of her being gone this long, so he decided to go check on her.

"No, I don't have it. Yes, I looked everywhere this morning. I left it on the dresser. Do you think I could have left it there by mistake?" Even without hearing her say the words, Katsuki knew she was talking about the locket. It made his sneaking suspicions unfortunately true.

"Y/N," she turned, startled to hear her name.

"Give me one second. What's up?" She had the phone pressed to her chest while talking to him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overhear," she waved off the apology. She didn't see it as a big deal since he made himself known. "By chance, is this yours?" KAtsuki held up the small necklace.

"Oh my god, where did you find it? I looked everywhere," she pulled him into a hug, making his heart melt.

Putting the phone up to her ear, she finished her conversation, "Yeah, I found it, yeah I'll text you later maybe. Bye, babe."

The words hit him like a ton of bricks. As she turned, he faked a smile to keep her from knowing.

"Was that Todoroki?" she knew it wasn't a lie, so she nodded, hoping he didn't continue to ask questions. "So you and Shoto are dating?"

Shit, she thought, what can I fucking say that isn't gonna give it away?

"Todoroki and I are dating. We have been for two months," he just nodded, offering to clasp her locket. She allowed him to, feeling a shiver go down her spine as his fingers grazed her neck.

Turning, she was met with his soft gaze, "Well, if you ever get tired of the vanilla life, you know where to find me." A smirk plastered on his face. She was too afraid to talk, fearing she would tell him how she felt. Instead, she ushered for them to walk.

Arriving at the Todoroki household, she ran up the stairs to where Shoto's bedroom was.

"Shoto, let me in. We have to talk about something," he opened the door wide, ushering her in.

"Bakugou thinks we're dating." Shoto's eyes went wide, looking for a sign this was a joke. He had a hard time picking up on those.


"He found my necklace, then heard me call my boyfriend babe," he looked down, concentrating, trying to come up with a plan.

"Okay, so we just have to pretend we're dating and your secret is safe." She nodded. She felt grimy for having to use Todo like this, but what else could she do.

"That won't be hard. We only see each other at the agency, tell your boyfriend what happened, he'll understand."

"Thank you, you saved my ass," she pulled him into a hug. Part of her found the idea of dating Shoto disgusting, he was like a brother to her. But if she didn't want everyone to figure out the truth, she had to do this.

She retreated to her bedroom, falling face-first into the comforter. Today had felt like it was never-ending.

A/N Hey, so I hope you like it so far. I'm curious to see who you think she's dating. Feel free to ask anything or comment whatever.

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