Help With A Song

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"Julie, I thought I'd find you in here!" Hazel said happily, walking into the music room the next day. Hazel looked around the piano Julie was sitting at and saw Luke, Reggie, and Alex standing there. "Hey guys!"

"Hi Hazel!" Reggie said happily.

"What's up?" Julie asked.

"How would you guys like to come to my home on Friday?" Hazel asked. "Obviously, Flynn, Willie, and Jason are invited too, but-"

"Where do you live, exactly?" Alex asked. "I mean, if your mom is dead, your brother is... I don't know where, and your dad is..."

"It's a protected place for people like me. Monsters can't get in. It's called Camp Jupiter. It's in Oakland."

"How do you get here every day?" Julie asked.

"The Labyrinth."

"The fact that this conversation is so casual is weird..." Luke said, shaking his head.

"You get used to it after a while." Hazel said, shrugging. "Sorry if I made you guys uncomfortable yesterday. Seeing Jason was... Unexpected."

"We should be apologizing." Julie said quickly. "Should've warned you. We assumed that you couldn't see ghosts, so-"

"Normal thing to assume. How'd you find out that Jason and I knew each other anyway?"

"You both mentioned a friend named Percy who went to UC Berkeley. Percy isn't that common of a name."

"Good point." Hazel said, smiling a bit. "You guys have made me the happiest I've been since I found out that Jason had died."

"You care about him a lot?" Reggie asked.

"He was the first friend I made when I came back to life. We fought two wars together."

"You know how to use a sword?" Luke asked, a bit excited.

"Yeah. Ironically enough, my boyfriend and I are technically disgraces to the Roman army, yet we're the people in charge."

"What do you mean?" Julie asked.

"Romans are very much battle in the forefront. Nothing but armor, your blade, and your comrades protecting you. Frank's primary weapon is his bow and arrows. He was convinced that his dad was Apollo before Mars claimed him. As for me, I use a spatha, or a calvary sword. They're weapons that the Roman Army frowned upon."

"Do you have a horse to go with that calvary sword?"

"Sorta. I don't technically own him, but he's related to my boyfriend and Percy."

"I'm sorry, did you just say that a horse is related to your boyfriend and one of your friends?" Alex asked.

Hazel shrugged. "You get used to the weirdness. Arion is a child of Poseidon, Percy is his brother, and both Arion and Percy are technically Frank's uncles."

"How does that work?" Reggie asked.

"Well, Frank is a direct descendant of Periclymenus, this Argonaut that could shapeshift. Periclymenus was a som of Poseidon. Frank's the only Zhang left. His life was tied to a piece of firewood, which burned up, and he's not dead, which is very confusing, but maybe my dad gave him a break." Hazel said, shrugging. "We honestly try not to think too hard about the bloodlines. Otherwise, I'd be dating my nephew, Percy would be dating his niece, my brother would be dating his nephew, and Leo would be dating his great aunt or something like that. It's already weird that I dated Leo's great grandfather back in the 30's, I don't want to complicate things even more."

"How would Leo be dating his great aunt?" Julie asked.

"He's dating Calypso."

"Calypso... As in, Odysessus's Calypso?"

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