History Repeats Itself... Sorta

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"Okay guys, let's get down to business!" Luke said excitedly when Hazel, Julie, and Flynn walked into the studio.

"What's going on?" Jason asked.

"They roped me into performing with them on Friday." Hazel explained, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to the piano.

"We did not rope you into anything!" Reggie said in denial.

"All four of you gave me sad puppy dog eyes."

"That's Hazel's one weakness. Y'all roped her into it." Jason said snarkily.

"By the way, everyone, as far as I know, is meeting at Camp Jupiter on Friday." Hazel said, looking over at Jason.


"Percy said that he was going to do his best to give you a hug." Hazel said, smiling as bravely as she could at Jason. "We have to help you move on. It's our duty as your friends."

"Hazel, it's not your job to find my unfinished business."

"I know, but... Your death hit everyone hard. We have to help you move on. You would do the same if it was one of us, we're just repaying the favor."

"We save the world together one time, and all of a sudden, you're in my debt for the rest of my life." Jason teased.

"You know that's not how this works, Jason." Hazel said, rolling her eyes.

"I know." Jason said, bending down and attempted to hug Hazel, everything but his hands going into Hazel's body. "I know that this is a bad hug, but I love you, Hazel. You're like the little sister I never had."

"Love you too." Hazel said, feeling her phone vibrate, Camp Half-Blood's caller ID popping up. Only one person could be calling. Hazel looked over at Julie and the others. "I'll be right back. My brother's calling."

"We'll be here!" Reggie said happily as Hazel got up and walked outside of the studio.

Taking a deep breath, Hazel answered the phone. "Hey Nico."

"Got something you want to tell me?" Nico asked, his voice already wavering.

"Just got off the phone with Leo, huh?"


"Nico, calm down!" Hazel begged. "I know his death brought up... Unpleasant memories-"

"Unpleasant memories!? Hazel-"

"I know, it was like Bianca all over again. How do you think I felt, Nico? I was the first one to see him, after all... I'm still in the process of wrapping my head around it."

Nico muttered some choice words in Italian, slow enough for Hazel to understand, but fast enough for other people around him to think that he was speaking gibberish.

"Nicolai di Angelo, gimmie that phone!" Will's voice softly said on the other end before it got louder in Hazel's ear. "Sorry about that, Hazel. I told him not to call you."

"It's fine, Will. I don't blame him in the slightest."

"So... Jason's a ghost?" Will asked, then sighed heavily. "How's that going?"

"I freaked out the people he's currently staying with, Julie Molina from Julie and the Phantoms and... Well... The phantoms, who are actual ghosts, and there's a skateboarder ghost who hangs out with them too who kinda looks like Jay from Descendants, or that one werewolf kid from the Twilight series, but with long hair-"

"Time out, are you telling me that A, you've met Julie and the Phantoms, and B, the Phantoms aren't holograms, they're actual ghosts?"


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