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A/N: So here it is! The first chapter of a new fic! I'm very excited for this new story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I am! Let me know your thoughts!

"Come on, Pips... We've got to go!"

Piper smiled gently when she heard her dad calling out for her from the front door, already ready to go to work and just waiting on his always slightly late daughter. Shoving her last bite of morning eggs in her mouth, Piper waved at her mom with a smile before rushing toward the door and picking up her bag from the floor on the way out.

"How come you're always late?" Her father, Harry, asked.

"Technically, I am just on time today." Piper joked, causing Harry to laugh as he locked the door after the two of them and moved toward his car.

"Sure you are, bunny." He chuckled, climbing in the car as Piper sat down on the passenger seat.

As soon as she was settled, Harry took the car out of the garage and started to make his way toward McKinley where he would drop off his daughter before heading to his own job in a bank downtown. It was their little routine, driving to school together and talking about anything and everything and Harry was proud to say that his daughter was comfortable enough to talk to him about her personal stuff. He always made sure to let her feel comfortable and safe in those 20 minutes conversational rides they shared every morning but he was also a parent and, as a parent, he sometimes had a job to do that needed to do even if he knew Piper wouldn't like it.

"Okay, so... Sophomore year, huh?" Harry said, as Piper just hummed in agreement. "Big year. I remember your first day ever at school. You were so sweet with your piggy tails and bright pink bag..."

"Dad, oh my God..." Piper mumbled, embarrassed as Harry just laughed.

"What? You were!" He defended himself as Piper groaned. "But now, you're almost a woman already. You don't wear piggy tails anymore and you always have a stain of something in your face from all that painting you do — well, I guess that didn't change. Remember when you chewed off half of a crayon while drawing daddy a picture?"

"Could you hurry up and get to the point, Harold?" Piper rolled her eyes even though she couldn't really hide the smile on her face.

"My point is... You're a wonderful girl, Piper... You're pretty and smart and funny... I just don't get why you don't have any friends. And no... Mom and I don't count."

"I don't like people." Piper said, matter-of-factly as Harry sighed.

"We live in a society, bunny... You're gonna need people eventually."


"All I'm saying is... Try out for a club other than your art club." Harry insisted, pulling up with the car in front of the school, but making sure not to unlock the door just yet so Piper could just slip away. "I mean, I love that you do that and you're so talented. But you haven't made any friends in that club yet, so try out for something a bit more... Team oriented. Maybe the drama club or something."


"Promise me, Pips... One club. Give one club the chance. And if until spring break you don't like it, you can quit."

Piper sighed then, knowing she had no way out of this conversation but to agree. So, groaning rather dramatically, she sent her dad a look.

"Fine." She relented. "One club. Just know that, if I die, that's on you."

Harry laughed then, unlocking the doors, finally.

"You'll be actually a good fit in the drama club, drama queen."

Picture perfect - Book 1 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now