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A/N: Here it is! This one is a favorite! I couldn't wait for you to read it! So as usual, let me know your thoughts!

For the first time ever, Mr. Schue had seemed willing to listen to the kids. Sure, maybe it had something — everything — to do with the fact that now coach Sylvester was co-coach of the New Directions and the teacher was trying to please the kids and try to win them over.

Clearly, he wasn't doing a very good job at it.

"As we head into Sectionals, I wanna get some feedback." Mr. Schue had said, as he sat in front of all of the children. "Like, what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing. Is there anything... Any music in particular... That you guys wanna do?"

"Can we maybe try something a little more black?" Mercedes asked.

"I agree." Kurt nodded alongside Piper. "We do an awful lot of show tunes."

"It's Glee Club, not Crunk Club." Rachel scoffed, as Piper widened her eyes and spun around in her chair to stare at the girl behind her.

"Did you really just say that?" She asked, as Mercedes also glared at Rachel.

"Don't make me take you to the carpet." She said.

"Fantastic!" Mr. Schue said, trying to defuse the tension and avoid confrontation. "Thank you, Mercedes, Piper, Kurt. Duly noted. Anything else?"

"I can pop and lock." Mike offered and Piper smiled when everyone cheered for him, all fully aware of Mike Change's amazing dance moves.

Their excitement quickly died, however, when Mr. Schue didn't meet their enthusiasm.

"Not really what we're goin' for, Mike, but... Noted, noted, yes."

At that, Piper frowned.

"Is he actually listening?" She whispered as she leaned over to Mercedes who just scoffed lowly.

"He never is."


Piper jumped slightly when no one other than JBI appeared beside her as she fixed a few things inside her locker.

"The independent polling company in my Dockers has determined you're the hottest girl in this school." He said, as Piper scrunched up her nose in disgust. "I mean, for a lesbian."

"You're disgusting." She rolled her eyes, closing her locker as she started to walk to her next class.

Honestly, she was hoping JBI would just go away. Clearly, she wasn't that lucky.

"Have you been reading my blog?" He asked, jogging slightly to keep up with Piper as she tried with all her might to lose him.

"Of course not." She scoffed. "You're a gossip monger and your blog is nothing but trash and lies, many of them about me."

"You'll be happy to know the one I'm working on right now has nothing to do with you or your confirmed lust for girls." He said, as Piper rolled her eyes, still not interested in the conversation at all. "It's about Quinn Fabray. Word on the street is that she's in trouble."

At that, Piper froze a bit, spinning around in her heels as she turned to look at JBI.

"Where did you hear that?" She asked.

"Are you denying it?"

"Yes." She said, walking away again.

Before she could slip away from him, properly, however, he yelled out after her down the hallway.

"Because the same birdie told me you're heartbroken the Head Cheerio didn't choose you to raise her litter with her!"

Again, Piper froze, holding her books tight against her chest as she huffed annoyed. It must have been someone in that stupid art club, but really, she should've known better than to work on her Quinn picture during class. Sighing deeply, she marched back to JBI.

Picture perfect - Book 1 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now