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"Hey, P!"

At the sound of Mercedes' voice, Piper smiled, fixing her bag on her shoulder as she rushed toward her friend.

"Hey, Cedes!" She giggled when Mercedes threw an arm over her shoulders as they walked. "Hey, guys."

Artie and Tina smiled at the girl, already including her in their conversation they were having before she arrived. A few minutes into it, the subject shifted to glee club and Mercedes started to talk about a vocal run she had been working on over the weekend. Just before she could show it to them, however, Mr. Schue arrived, approaching his glee kids with a smile, after having decided to come back to the club the previous week.

"Morning, guys." He said.

"Hey, Mr. Schue." Mercedes smiled at the man. "We're just learning some runs."

"Oh, yeah?" He asked, as Mercedes hummed.

"So it goes..."

And with a lifted finger, Mercedes gave them all a taste of what she could do, vocalizing perfectly and as if it was nothing. Everyone laughed then, before following her lead and imitating her.

"With the finger, huh?" Mr. Schue teased as Mercedes laughed, unbothered.

"Pretty fly for a white guy." She said.

"Oh, thank you, thank you." The teacher smiled. "Hey, don't be late for rehearsal this afternoon."

"Okay." Mercedes nodded.

"All right."

And as soon as Mr. Schue separated from the small group, Piper followed him with her eyes for a second, frowning when she noticed Kurt standing by the dumpster, surrounded by some of the football guys. She kept walking with Mercedes, but her conversation with Artie and Tina got completely ignored by Piper when she noticed how Mr. Schue passed by Kurt with nothing but a smile in his direction.

Sighing when Puck picked up Kurt to throw him in the dumpster, Piper stepped away from Mercedes gently, causing the girl to stop and turn around to face her with a frown.

"I, hum... I kind of forgot something in my dad's car and I think he might still be around." She lied. "You guys go ahead. I'll see in Bio, right?"

"Oh, okay." Mercedes nodded then. "I'll save you a seat. Bring Kurt too!"

Piper smiled then, nodding at Mercedes before spinning in her heels to walk toward Kurt instead. Ignoring all the snickers and giggles from Puckerman and his teammates when she walked straight past them and toward the dumpster, she stood in her tiptoes and reached inside, smiling at Kurt when he looked up at her.

"Well, of course Miss Lesbian over here would form an alliance with the gay kid." Puck scoffed, as Piper just rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore Puckerman for the sake of her own sanity.

Kurt smiled sadly at her as he grabbed her hand and allowed the girl to help him up. As soon as he stood up, however, he scoffed when he realized Puck and his buddies had walked away.

"Jerks..." He mumbled, smiling a bit when Piper giggled, helping him out of the dumpster. "They really will work for me eventually."

"Nah, they won't." Piper said, picking up Kurt's bag from the floor and offering it to him as Kurt frowned at her. "Unless they end up as some stage assistant on Broadway, there's no way they'll ever work for you."

"I like the way you think." Kurt smirked, wrapping an arm around Piper's as the two of them started to make their way to school together. "But, hum... Hey, P... Could I... Could I ask you a question? And, I mean, it's fine if you don't want to answer."

Picture perfect - Book 1 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now