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At the sound of her name being yelled down the hallway, Piper jumped a bit in surprise. Clutching her books in her hands, she stopped walking and turned around, just in time to see Kurt rushing toward her.

"Jesus Christ, Kurt... You nearly gave me a heart attack." The girl complained once Kurt was close enough to her. He didn't even acknowledge her, however, only grabbing the girl by the arm and dragging her down the hallway. "Kurt! What are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you." He explained, shortly, looking around in search of an empty classroom. "In private."

As soon as they took the next turn, Kurt realized the Biology class was empty, so, pushing the door open, he pulled Piper inside and closed the door after him. He could see Piper was about to say something, but, before she could, Kurt spoke up again.

"I need help." He said, clearly panicking a bit as Piper frowned. "Like... Immediate help."

Pushing aside her irritation with the boy for dragging her across the school's hallways for a while, Piper frowned, suddenly worried as she placed her books down in a desk and stepped closer to her friend.

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

"Okay, look... Remember how I told you that I wanted to learn the Beyonce Put a ring on it choreo?" He said, as Piper nodded. "Yeah, well, so, I asked two of the best dancers in glee club to help me: Tina and Brittany. They agreed and last night they went to my house and we did the whole thing with like unitards and all."

"How did you get Brittany to go to your house?" Piper frowned, confused, as Kurt shrugged.

"Bribed her with candy, but that's not the point!" Kurt continued, sighing before speaking up again. "The point is... While we were at it, my dad got home and he saw me."

"Your dad saw you?" She repeated.

"Yes." Kurt nodded.

"Dancing to Beyonce in your basement?"


"In unitards and all? Like the leather ones?"


"Oh, this is bad..."

"And it's not even the worse part."

"Is there worse?"

"Brittany ended up telling my dad that I was on the football team."

"You what?"

"As a kicker!" Kurt nodded, leaning back on the desk behind him, completely defeated. "A kicker! I don't even know what this is. What is a kicker supposed to do?"

"Kick the ball." Piper rolled her eyes, answering his very obvious question.

"I thought you played football with your hands?" Kurt frowned.

"Have you ever watched a football match?" Piper asked, sending Kurt a look when he nodded. "Have you paid attention to it?"

"Well, that's a whole other story."

At that, Piper sighed, shaking her head as she pulled herself to sit up in the teacher's desk so she was looking straight at Kurt as he leaned against a desk right in front of her.

"Right, so... What do you want from me?" Piper asked. "I can't help you. I don't know how to play football. I mean, I can give a run over the basic rules, but all know, I learned from my dad. And besides... What is that even gonna change anyway? You're not on the team. You told your dad, right?"

Picture perfect - Book 1 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now