( Book Two ) Chapter 19 - The Desk and The Dream

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Updating two chapters tonight. I know I haven't been uploading as much. I've been super busy. 

But if you have stuck around this long, you deserve a reward. 

Thanks for reading! 


Chapter 19 – The Desk and The Dream

It was after hours, possibly after 8pm. They had spent several hours in the food court discussing their classes and wondering why their curriculum suddenly got more difficult. Although it was only the beginning, Giselle still felt as if she had been on campus for years.

Almost everyone knew of them and she felt eerily at home while on campus. However, she still felt like something was missing without Isaac. She pushed the thought aside as they made their way across campus.

Making her way across campus she realized two things a) she wasn't going to be able to keep her love life separate from her personal life b) she wasn't going to be able to separate her love life from her battle life. There were moments that she thought maybe her mother's dream was just a dream, that maybe warning in dreams didn't mean much.

But her intuition told her otherwise.

Things as difficult as this would be easier for Giselle if she had trusting family to speak to. However, she didn't. Her and her father weren't on the best terms. They were slightly improved but still not the best. And, she wondered how long that would occur. She wanted more than that. She wanted her dream to make more sense. How is it that someone could visit you once and then disappear? She wasn't sure.

She wondered how her father would handle it.

The Professors cabin looked the same. With architect that reminded anyone of an old renaissance building. They paused before the door. Jonah smirked slightly. He opened his mouth to say something and Nathan shook his head.

"Let's not ruin the moment." Nathan muttered. "Let's just open the door and get it over with."

"I agree." Jasmine replied. She reached for the handle only to realize it was locked. She nodded slowly. "Makes sense."

"Figures." Jonah added. "Why would it be open?"

Giselle remained silent for a while. For a moment she thought about turning back. Maybe Isaac was right, maybe doing things without him wasn't the right choice. She thought that for a while before realizing that her element was fire and so, she lit the wooden knob on fire and watched as it fell out of the door.

There was a clicking noise, almost as if the door unlocked, and with a light shake from her hand it opened. Jonah stared at her in awe and for a moment Giselle saw the adoration in his eyes. She could see the love he once professed to her, and in that moment she also knew that if he wanted Clea then so be it.


She did not feel the same love for him. She loved him as a friend and if she wanted him as such, she could not force him to choose sides.

"That was sexy." Jonah said.

"Let's not." Giselle replied, and she walked into the door forgetting that the lights would be off. She did it gracefully, and to her surprise nothing was in her way.

The School for the Gifted (Book One and Two)Where stories live. Discover now