Chapter 10 - Ice Shock / Ice Cubes for Breakfast

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Chapter 10 – Ice Shock / Ice Cubes for Breakfast


A creamy Butterscotch colored paper folded into a rectangle roamed Giselle’s fingers. There she stood, sitting at her bed at 8 in the morning wondering if the letter she had in her hands should be opened. The cursive writing of her mothers felt as if they were burning her skin as she grazed it.

Something seemed to be stopping her and she wasn’t sure what it was. How badly she wanted to hear from her mother, but that mother was more of a lie than anything else she could think of.

 The book she got that morning based on her father was opened to the page she left it on top of her dresser. Isaac’s mother Ileana stood next to her father looking serious for a reason that remained unknown.

Giselle tossed the book and her letter into her dresser when she noticed Jasmine turning in her bed, soon to wake up. She didn’t want to get into what had happened last night and why Jonah was looking for her.

Quickly, she walked out her dorm room not making a sound to find Isaac standing there looking annoyed but composed at the same time. He lifted his arm to reveal a watch.

“Maybe you should learn to show up places early, if you plan on being late.”

“I was just leaving.” She replied. “You don’t need to be so persistent.”

“Excuse me but I believe I was the one who got called this morning to talk about something faintly important.” He said, icy eyes looking like stone. “So important, that you decided to be late.”

“How late am I?” She questioned.

A short amused flare came through his eyes and then quickly vanished back to an ice cold glare. “Five minutes.”

“Are you serious?” She asked him.

He made his way down the hall not waiting for her to catch up. It wasn’t hard since she was used to walking in a fast pace.

“I mean five minutes is so not-“

“Ms. Riley, Time is always important.” He muttered. “Anyone can die in less than five minutes.”

“So you thought I was-“

“Late.” He interrupted. “Sorry to crush your itty bitty hopes.”

Giselle glanced at him. His face hard and not even ready to laugh but something about this moment didn’t feel awkward. It made her wonder why he was so serious and intense.

Dude seriously needs to lighten up.  She thought to herself.

They arrived to the food court minutes later. It was full of students trying to get something to eat. Giselle noticed one of them disappear and show up right in front of a girl at the salad bar. She complained and yelled “No skipping!”

Though Giselle’s stomach was empty, she didn’t feel hungry and was surprised she even slept when she had gotten to her dorm. Isaac sat in front of her taking in his surroundings. He glanced at her and then continued to let his eyes roam around the room, not like he was looking for something but more like he was scoping out the place.

“I’m sure you know why I wanted to talk to you.”

As quickly as the words came out of her wasn’t compared to how quickly she felt Isaac stiffen. Almost like the whole table was frozen solid. Still, his face gave away no emotion.


“Well, I- Um, I’m just curious to know about her, your mother anyway.” Giselle muttered. “I mean you don’t have to tell me anything its just I know she knew my –”

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