(Book Two) Chapter 13 - Mother

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Hey guys! Short update but if you are wondering why I've been living life (school and work etc) and I also released my first ever instrumental about a month ago! 

Here's the link: 


Feel free to check it out! Sorry for the delay guys! 


Chapter 13 – Mother

They say there is a void you enter when you are consumed by darkness. Giselle wasn't sure. All she could see was the dark room surrounding her and a light switch waiting to be lit.

Isaac met her mind briefly. What would he think of her losing abattle? Would that make him care for her less? She hoped not. But they weren't on speaking terms so she couldn't be too sure or surprised.

Giselle found herself walking across a damp floor, pushing her body into the darkness. As her eyes adjusted, she was capable of seeing that the walls were bare, and possibly a dark burgundy.

She flicked on the light switch only to see that the entire room was empty and the floor was made of old wood. On top of a chair was a note that read: Next room. Anyone else would have thought this scene was eerily too much like a horror movie gone wrong. Giselle thought otherwise. She was up for the challenge and knew she wasn't the type to live in fear.

She walked over to the only door in the room and turned the knob slowly. Anyone else would have felt their heart beating in their chest a mile per minute. Giselle felt nothing. She was neither nervous nor content.

But there was one thing that couldn't be denied.

There was a lump her throat.

There also was a women.

She sat in a golden room lit by a fire. The fire was as bright as her hair, and as soon as Giselle walked into the room was as soon as she felt a pang in her chest. She did a double take before taking a step back.

Could it be?

In fact it could, sitting before her, red hair and light eyes was a women that resembled her too much but not enough. It was as if she was looking at herself, older, more mature, and possibly with more experience. But there was something missing. Something that not many would understand.

And, that something was bond, that something was family relation.

It was odd, to Giselle, how she could be standing in front of her mother and not know a thing.

She wondered for a second how she could possibly even know herself?

There was clearing of a throat from across the room.


Giselle nodded slowly. "Gabrielle, right?"

"Yes, that is my name." Gabrielle said. "Its great to finally meet you."

"Thank you?" Giselle said, eye brow quirked. It came out more like a question.

There was an awkward silence. "Why are you here? And, where are we?"

"I'm not here." She smirked. "I'm not anywhere, actually."


"This is a dream, Giselle." She smiled. "I'm visiting you in a dream."

"So I'm asleep right now?"

"That you are."

"So, why are you visiting me?" Giselle said, watching her closely. She then looked down at herself and realized she was in new combat gear. She wondered if she was being tested again. Maybe Sir Mathens was going to make her fight her own mother via dream sequence. Wouldn't that be a thrill?

Gabrielle laughed. "No you were not placed here to fight me. I am here to tell bring you information."

"And what information is that?"

Gabrielle nodded. "I knew you'd ask..."

Giselle stared. "I mean yeah, you mentioned it."

"You have your fathers wit."

"Bite me."

She laughed again. "No, no thats okay."

Giselle sighed. "My father is a douche."

"Your father cares for you deeply. I have been watching you two."

"Really? Why?"

She walked over to Giselle "How else can I live," She tapped her lightly on the collar bone "but through you."

Giselle watched her slowly. She wanted to ask if it was because she was no longer alive. She wanted to ask terribly, but she couldn't find the right words so she just nodded very slowly and allowed her eyes to meet the floor.

Gabrielle took a step back then and glanced at the wall, thinking ofthe right words. "I can't stay long, you will be waking up soon."

Giselle swallowed hard, the lump in her throat slowly disappeared.

Gabrille played with fire in between her finger tips before sheallowed it to disappear. She then clenched her fist before meetingGiselle's green eyes with her own. "There's a war coming, that noone will be able to control, no one alone. Not even you. Be aware. Be prepared. Warn the others."

And with that, the room began to shake. Giselle glanced around oddly confused. She wanted to ask questions. Thousands. What war? And why? And what did she mean that no one would be able to control it?

Giselle panted as the room began to shake uncontollably. Her mother disappeared and she found the lights in the room flickering, on and off. Over and over.

There was a voice in her head.

They wont believe you.

And then she was gone. Entering a void once again. The voices in her head had silenced and she was now laying in a bed in the nurses wing. Her eyes opened slowly. The room was dark but if she squinted she could make out a figure sitting across from her.

The figure was Isaac.

  She could feel the deja vu circling her blood stream. She had woken up in front of him before, in this same position, except this time he wasn't the cause and, this time she was excited to see him. 

But she didn't show it. 


Yay for an update! I hope you enjoyed this one. It was very interesting to write for me. Thank you for reading and waiting patiently. 

Questions for the fans: 

What are your favorite books right now? Favorite albums/recording artists? 

Chapter related questions: 

Opinions? Thoughts? Did you expect to meet Giselle's birth mother this chapter? What do you think will happen between Giselle and Isaac? Will they stay together? War? Woah! What do you think/hope to happen? 

See you next chapter, 

Christina Robles 

The School for the Gifted (Book One and Two)Where stories live. Discover now