(Book Two) Chapter 21 - Approval

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So its been a while... I know its been a few years since I've posted on here. I took a long break from writing. I have not decided on a return to wattpad. I hope you like this chapter... 


Chapter 21 – Approval

It was dawn. Giselle had been trying to not dwell on Isaac or the mishaps of yesterday. Her day started the same, but she realized there was still something missing. She missed him but, she knew that something wasn't right between them. They were both in two very different places in their life, or so it seemed. She wondered how things could change so rapidly, but she was sure they needed time apart.

There was a sharp wind outside that reminded Giselle of her misery. If you do not have love, do you have anything at all? She reminded herself of the words from her father. How could he have known all along that they weren't the right match?

Giselle wondered for a moment why she felt the way she did. She missed him, yes, but missing someone may not mean they are right for each other. Does it?

Hours had passed, after midnight Giselle realized that sleep would not come. She found herself lying on the dormitory roof filled with a mix of emotions. It wasn't until one a.m. that her father sat beside her. Her red curls had began to grow frizzy with the wind but she did not mind. Together, they gazed at the stars and after a while he spoke.

"I never thought that I would come into your life and be fending off teenage boys with a stick."

Giselle remained silent. She didn't want to blurt out that they were over. Isaac and her were no longer a whirlwind of romance. She hated the feeling that grew from heartbreak. She found herself swallowing the air in her throat, over and over. Her father eventually caught onto the silence.

"I thought for a long time that no one would ever be good enough for you. I...honestly thought that even I wasn't good enough. I spent years away only to come into your life and find that you might truly have been perfectly fine without me. My father instincts came through with a vengeance and for that I apologize. I didn't give Isaac the opportunity to prove that he was worthy of you. I didn't want someone to have the chance to love you before I even had a chance to know you as my daughter, but that isn't quite fair, now is it?" He said. "I have come to the realization that I cannot stop him from loving you... if I want the best for you then the first step would be allowing you to make that choice for yourself."

Giselle didn't respond. She took it all in. Her father finally saying the words she wished he had said a long time ago. Yet, now they didn't matter. Isaac and her were over. She stared at the sky for a moment before sighing.

"You and Isaac, I think it might work." He muttered. "I gave it a lot of thought."

"Funny." Giselle replied. "He dumped me."

"Dumped?" Her father questioned. "I have no idea what that means."

"He decided we should part ways."


"I don't think my heartbreak is interesting."

"No," He replied. "For a second I thought hmph, maybe this kid has a shot with you. He's a better match than that Jonah kid."

Giselle smirked. "Maybe."

"Sometimes you have to let them go." He replied. "Give it time. The world has a funny way of bringing people together when its meant to be."

"Meant to be?" Giselle rolled her eyes. "Sounds like its straight out of a fairytale."

"You're far too young to not believe in soul mates. Have a little more faith in humanity."

Giselle nodded. "So let him go and wait?"

"No let him go and live." He replied. "If he wants to be with you he will be."

"I don't get it." She replied. "You just woke up and decided we were right for each other?"

"No, I woke up and decided..." He hesitated, cutting himself off to smirk at the sky. "I decided that I could never keep two people apart knowing that they want to be together. When I met your mother, it was a tornado for the both of us. We fell hard and I tried to picture how I would feel if someone came to me and said we couldn't be together. Sadly that choice was stolen from us and she is no longer here. That doesn't mean you should be robbed of that choice."

Giselle nodded. "Too bad, you're too late."

"It's never too late." He replied. "Trust the process."

"Trust the process?" She laughed. "That's the best you've got."

"Kid, you're a tough crowd but I mean that whole heartedly. Life gives us circumstances we often do not understand. This is one of those times. This is a time where the two of you can grow... maybe you can grow apart... so that later you can grow together."

She smirked. "Deep, real deep for a dad who just showed up."

He laughed. "Thanks."

"Yeah yeah, don't mention it." She retorted. "So now what?"

"Now..." He shrugged. "Now you live your life."

"And if he comes back?"

"Then great, he comes back."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then he's an idiot."

Giselle laughed.

"Well if he decides to come back you have my approval. For now anyway."

Giselle stared at him.

"I thought he wasn't right for you, but only because I am very protective." He replied. "But I've grown to realize that you are a lot stronger than I thought."

"How so?"

"Your dreams." He said. "The way you carry yourself. Also, there is something else. Your bravery reminds me of myself."

Giselle laughed.

"Don't overthink it." He continued. "You got that from your mother."

"How kind of you." She muttered sarcastically. "Too bad I've only met her in my dreams."

Her father chose then to change the subject. "Our family history has generations of battlers and lives lost. You cannot dwell on the shortcomings of our lives, or the people we have lost. I have accepted that years ago."

"Hard to accept what you can't control."

"The only thing in our hands is how we perceive things." He replied. "You can't control everything or everyone, only yourself."

"Well said," She replied. "Took you 15 years but, very well said."

He smirked. "Your wit, you got it from me."

Giselle rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, don't flatter yourself." 


Lol... hi.. hope everyone is doing well. 

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