Chapter 47 - Refuse thy name

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Another filler that steams things up. 




Chapter 47 – Refuse thy name


          Giselle woke up panting. Her face felt entirely too heated and on the verge of explosion. Her chest was rising up and down as she sat up, tears welling up in her eyes. Only one thing on earth can make anyone wake up this way.

            A nightmare.

            She swallowed back the nervous lump in her throat before tossing off the sheets from her sweat filled body. Quickly, the puzzle pieces of the dream glued themselves together in her mind. Malcolm Efra happened to capture her before tying her up and torturing her in his chamber.

            It wasn’t the best dream, almost as close to the worst she ever had. Still, it was just a dream. It was nowhere near real and as she got up from her queen sized bed she continued to convince herself just that.

            Giselle wasn’t easily frightened but right now she was on the verge of having a panic attack. Her heart was leaping out her chest a mile per minute and the hairs on her neck stood up in not only agony but confusion. It felt so real, so existent that she questioned if it was truly just a dream.

            As her heart beat slowed she glanced at the arched window not too far away. Its expensive looking curtains were open revealing the sun shining and the beautiful lawn in front of the castle. The burning sun caused her to look away rapidly, realizing that she slept through most of the night and morning.

            The sun shined through most of the window, casting a glow around the entire yellow colored room. Without the beautiful radiance of the light, the room was still amazing with its circular shape, wooden book shelves and cherry wood desk. On it were several Zeptorian magazines. Across the room was a burgundy chair a few feet away from an empty wall.

The wall seemed a little odd to Giselle. She walked over to it before grazing her fingers against it, she put her ear against it to realize it was hollow. Without further curiosity she knocked a few times, a part of the wall moved before being sucked in leaving a rectangular hole. Moments later a flat screen TV slid out before her eyes.

            Giselle took a step back surprised. She grabbed the remote that appeared at the side of it, searched for the power button and turned it on. Something that looked similar to the news channel came on, revealing a very good looking older man with dark hair and honey colored eyes.

            The only problem was Giselle had no idea what he was saying, it sounded as if he was speaking a mixture of French and Italian. She knew neither languages. However she noticed the headline.

            Gifted Academy attacked and under investigation. 

            Next to it were scribbles that looked oddly like cursive but not readable, probably because they were the exact language he was speaking. She squinted somehow trying to make out what he was saying but it was no use. Sighing she threw herself on the burgundy couch nearby feeling defeated.

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