Chapter 5- Halloween

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*uploading a chapter before bed, yea idk why i said that but goodnight its almost 12 where i live lol. anyways goodnight ya'll, hope you like the chapter.*

after charms class the next day which was Halloween morning, ron was mad at mione.

"she's a nightmare, honestly. its no wonder no one can stand her." ron said

"ronald!" i said as she pushed past us crying. 

"i think she heard you" harry said. 

she didn't turn up in the other classes and wasn't seen all afternoon. we overheard parvati patil telling her friend lavender that mione was crying in the toilets and wanted to be left alone.

we felt more uncomfortable at that but the halloween decorations in the great hall put that out of our minds. 

we just started eating, when Professor Quirrell came running in shouting "TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS, TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS. Just thought you ought to know" before he fainted. 

there was panic all over the room before Dumbledore asked the prefects to lead everyone back to the dorms. we followed percy until i pulled harry and ron aside. 

"mione doesn't know about the troll" i said  

"come on then" said harry

we ran in the toilets to see that the troll was advancing on her, breaking the sinks as it went.

harry and ron ran through its legs, over to mione, which was a dumb move because now i had to save all three of them.

"do something" they said together

i thought for a brief second, before jumping on top of the sinks and swinging myself over to the top of the cubicles before jumping on his back.

i asked mione to lift his club in the air and she did, dorpping it carefully, on his head where he got knocked unconscious. 

i jumped off on to the sink before it fell on the floor. 

harry immediately ran and hugged me. while ron and mione stood shocked with their jaws hanging, looking at me for an explanation.

"i used to do bar gymnastics and competitive dance. ive gone to competetions."  i replied

*yes, i know 11 year olds can't compete in bar gymnastics but i just wanted to do something different*

"shes really good", harry added as professor mcgonagall came bursting though the door followed by snape and quirrell.

snape bent over the troll, while mcgonagall was looking at us, the most angry i had ever seen her. her lips were white.

"what on earth were you thinking about?" she asked. "you're lucky you three weren't killed"

we all looked down at the ground

"please professor, they were looking for me." mione finally said, speaking up from the shadows.

"Miss Granger!" mcgonagall exclaimed

"i went looking for the troll, because i thought i could deal with it on my own, you see, as i've read all about them."

ron and harry dropped their wands, as mione was lying to a teacher, while i just smiled as this showed her friendship for us, even though we didn't verbally accept it. 

"if they hadn't found me, i would be dead by now. they didn't have time to fetch anyone, it was about to kill me when they arrived." mione continued.

"well in that case, ten points will be taken from gryffindor for your foolishness." professor mcgonagall said

"as for you three,  you are very lucky to have survived that. you will each be awarded 5 points, for sheer dumb luck. Professor Dumbledore will be informed of this. you may go now." she continued.

mione was outside waiting for them and as we made our way over to the Gryffindor Tower, mione said "Thanks guys, you saved my life back there."

i was about to say something, when ron said "of course, what are friends for?" which made us all burst into big smiles.

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