Chapter 12- The Philosopher's Stone

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"its safe!" harry called out, ron and hermione also landing after us.

"what is this stuff?" ron asked

"dunno, some sort of plant thing" harry replied

"we must be miles under the school" hermione stated

"lucky we landed on this plant thing, really" ron said

"lucky, look at you both!" i pointed out at harry, hermione, ron and myself who were wrapped in vines. 

"stop moving" hermione ordered as the boys struggled "i know what that is, that's devil's snare. it likes the dark and damp" 

"lumos maxima!" i said, pulling out my wand carefully as we slowly slid down through the plants. 

we made our way in silence to the through the only passageway and as we neared the end we heard something.

"do you hear that?" hermione asked

"do you think its a ghost?" ron whispered

"no, it sounds more like wings" i replied

we reached the end of the passageway to a brightly lit chamber, full of jewel-bright birds fluttering around the room and on the opposite side of the chamber there was a heavy, wooden door.

"do you think they'll attack us if we cross the room?" ron asked

"probably" harry replied "they don't look very vicious, but i suppose if they all swooped down at once"

"now what?" ron wondered out loud

"these birds, they can't just be here for decoration" hermione said

"hold on" i said, speaking up "these aren't birds, they're winged keys! look carefully, so that must mean... we've got to catch the key to the door" 

"but there are hundreds of them" ron said

"we're looking for a big, old-fashioned one. probably silver, like the handle" harry stated

i walked over to the broomsticks, beckoning harry over.

"i'll be on a broomstick by the door, you catch the key and throw it to me?" i asked and harry nodded as we both mounted a broomstick

"stay by the door hermione and ron, be ready to go through" harry said as they nodded.

"harry look" i pointed out the key, to which he followed my glance and started chasing after it. 

he caught the key and threw it to me. 

i swerved left and grabbed the key and sped to the keyhole in the door as i handed the key to hermione who inserted it in the keyhole as me and harry quickly jumped off the brooms and ran through the door into a dark room. 

light suddenly flooded the room to reveal an astonishing sight.

we were standing on the edge of a huge chessboard

"we've got to play our way across the board" ron said, walking up to one of the black knights 

"do we have to join you to get across?" he asked, as the black knight nodded

we stayed quiet, watching ron think

"now, don't be offended or anything, but neither of you are that good at chess-" ron started, with a sheepish smile

"we're not offended" i interrupted, quickly "just tell us what to do"

"well, harry, you take the place of that bishop;  y/n, you be the queen's side castle and hermione, you be the king's side castle" ron replied

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