Chapter 8- Christmas

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*sorry this is also a short chapter*

soon the Christmas holidays began to draw nearer.

we were always at the library, digging about nicholas flamel since hagrid mentioned him.

"you'll keep looking, won't you? send me an owl if you find anything." mione said as we made our way to lunch.

me, harry and ron just sat in Gryffindor common room which we had all to ourselves.

ron also taught me and harry wizards chess.

on Christmas Eve me and harry went to bed not expecting anything.

we woke up the next morning to ron calling us to see our presents.

me and harry ran out together and said "we have presents?" excitedly.

"yeah, happy christmas." ron replied

"happy christmas" we said together as we ran down.

we first opened each other's presents.

he got me a silver necklace which completely unintentionally matched the ring i bought him, which were re adjustable. ron was just shocked while me and harry glanced at each other and burst out laughing. we promised to wear them forever no matter what.

ron's mom molly kindly made us two red sweaters with H and y/f/l (your first letter)

hagrid made us two flutes which sounded like our owls, Hedwig and y/o/n.

we also got a parcel each from the Dursley's containing 25 pence each.

"thats friendly" harry said while ron looked flabbergasted (shocked)

"thats money? its such a weird shape" ron said

"keep them" i said laughing.

i got a large box of chocolate frogs, while harry got bertie botts every flavoured beans from mione.

we got what ron claimed to be an invisibility cloak from an anonymous person with a note that said

'your father left this in my possesion before he died, it was time it was returned to the both of you. use it well. a very merry christmas to you.'

sure enough, when we tried in on, our bodies disappeared, our heads 'floating' in the air.

me and harry agreed to keep. the cloak in each of our dorms for a week, alternating.

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