The move to japan

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It was the middle of the school year. I was just sitting in class looking at the window,minding my business , So obviously I wasn't paying attention, until this old ass teacher of mine Mr. fucking Sanchez, You know I really think the old bitch has something against me , I mean come on five detentions, six write ups ,umm like what the fu-
"Miss (L/N), please come up to the bored and write a paragraph about the book we're reading"
Shit ??! What book , I'm passing all my classes I'm a straight B" student .. Buttt some things just don't sit righ-
"Cough *Cough * Miss (L/N) Can you hear correctly? I asked you to come up to the bored ."
Did this saggy old man just
"Mr. Sanchez please excuse Miss (Y/N) her mother's here to pick her up."
"Saved again Miss (L/N) see you latter."
I just rolled my eyes, got my stuff and walked out, welll nahh .. I stuck up a middle finger at him I'll see you Monday old bitch. And I just ran away damn imma bad ass bitch, as so ,I walked in the office and see my mom standing there, and she has this look on her face like something is going on,
"Hey ma is something wrong? You ok?"
"Yes baby everything... Is actually pretty damn amazing I'll explain everything in the car"
So she grabbed my arm and yanked me to the car I didn't know what to expect, so I was thinking maybe she got some man or some-
"Ahhhhh ..."
"DANG Are you ok what's wrong, what's the problem"
"Ok ok ok .. I got this huge huge ass job opportunity.."
"Yeah uhhh its in japan" I was so loud yelling and being happy I didn't even understand for a second what she said.
"Wait what was that you said , say that one more time so I can understand what ."
"It's in.. japan the job is in JAPANNNN"
I don't know if I should be excited to get outta of this shit country. But fucking japan .. japan , I don't speak-
"So what you think ?, what you think ??!"
"I mean I-I- don't got much of a choice do I , I mean your the only one I talk to ma, I mean it's kinda a lil sad but ehhh who gives a damn right, ah ha ah"
"First of all don't say damn when your talking to me ah ha ah my asshole , but you can cuss though I'll allow it , and second of all you can stay with your fath-"
"Before you even finish that.. Let's go to japan" I rather this than, staying with dean and Karen, that's what I just call them whatever, I'm not about to stay with a rich asshole man,that cheated on my mother with a lady from yo office, what a cliché that is I mean why tell someone you love them if you don't ? That doesn't make any sense, I mean like.
"So when do we go I'm ready to leave this shit country" I made sure to say shit lower so she didn't hear it ah ha
"We leave tomorrow. I already got everything packed and ready to go for in the morning, the flight leaves at 4am so get some sleep, and pack anything els you wanna take with you"
" Tomorrow? Everything packed?? I mean wow you .. I just can't wait" So my she got the job, wait no a promotion, In freaking japan , I wonder if they got fine boys, I mean I don't really care however I'm still a virgin an I'm 18 not that I care, I talked to a few guys but ehh, ehh, ehh. I just can't really talk to people it's kinda aggravating, at least I'm going somewhere where people won't talk to me , woo that kinda exciting. So we pull up to the house all excited and ready to go just leave all this shit behind , I'm gonna kinda miss it , I mean the stars are beautiful over here. But oh well.
"Hey why are you over there looking like a crazy ass , start packing your shit."
"Oh dam-dang I'm just excited."

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