Inroduce me at Ohi Ne High

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The train took about 15 minutes under, I've never been this nervous about anything, I'm shaking but I'm excited, I really hope it's some eye candy candy I can look at too.
"We have now arrived"
It takes about 8 minutes to get to the school from here, 8:30am. Damn I'm late for my first day of school 10 minutes late. I wasn't planning on running to school so I just walked at a fast paste, damn I can see the school from here "Ohi Ne high school" I walked into the building the floors where so polished I could see my reflection,  and I see these golden doorknobs and it read on the door "first office" don't they mean front , never mind , never mind ,
I walked in the front office and everyone of the office lady's were staring real hard like oh I-
"Welcome ..welcome I'm principal Erwin you must be or new Exchange student .. please do tell how's Americans. Wow America"
Damn they like America that much ?
"Please miss (Y/n) allow me to take you around school and escort you to class"
wow the people here are nice already and the principal has blond hair and a muscular build to him like he was a solider or something, but boy oh my he is a fine looking man. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying or showing me, I was to busy looking at him, stop girl he's a principal
"so (y/n) we're headed to your class room now."  I'm so nervous I think I'm about to have an anxiety attack but no, (y/n) put it away.  As we where about to enter the class room the teachers names are on the doors so. Mr Levi > learning skills 101. Mr. Erwin knocked on the door. And this short fine student with a bold cut opened the door he was about my height but . I was a little taller.
"Hi you must be the new student"
He said it like he cares but his face expression said hell no,not today.
"Yes umm hi Mr .Levi .. I'm (y/n) I'm from-" damn where did the principal go he just vanished,
"Yeah ok well because you where late, it's not your falut but we were in the middle of a lesson.. I'll give you the a sheet to copy from someone once you finish enter the class room." Yeah I was just standing there waiting for him to invite me in but I just walk in.  So I walked in behind him into the class room.
"Stop there and introduce yourself to the class.. everyone this is a new student she's from America, tell them to ur name and you can go have a seat." Ok so I looked up at the class room and I was probably looking nervous,
"H-hi-hey .. umm I'm (y/n) an I'm from America."
Everyone was just looking like they never saw anyone new. But this guy made heavy eye contact with me. He had long black hair , blue eyes ,and omg girl look away, I can still feel him looking, and he looks good while doing it.
"You could go sit right behind. The boy with the blond hair,.. Armin raise your hand for miss(y/n) here" this blond hair and blue eyed boy raised his hand smiling at me so I smiled back. I walked to my seat and got out a mechanical pencil.
"Hello I'm Armin I heard your name was (y/n) right ?"  That's nice people never really talked to me like that.
"Hi. Yeah (y/n) that's my name what's yours"
Damn he already said his name I'm cringe
"It's Armin"
he said smiling at me still and I just smiled and looked around, this girl was eating potato chips in class, this boy with a buzzed cut is trying to balance a pencil on his top lip, a pretty girl with a scarf around her neck , and the boy with the black hair and blue eyes that was looking at me pretty hard, and a bunch of other students where there.
"Hey (y/n) do you want me to introduce you to some of my friends, maybe get to know some people?"  This sweet boy Armin is just to nice.
"Yeah Armin id like that, that's nice of you to ask." He smiled at me this time talking
"Yeah, (y/n) no problem Ill walk you to lunch in a few so you can meet them" everyone kept looking at us while we where talking. Oh yeah their staring at me.

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