🍰 Part 15: Baking and Lies?

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♧ Author's note:
So sorry if this chapter is going to come out late. Wattpad literally deleted the entire chapter and I have to rewrite it. I'm legit so tired, so please, have some patience for me. 🙏

♡ Elena's pov:

When we finally left the gardens, we headed straight for the chestnut trees and we slowly started to fill up our baskets.

"So... are you gonna tell us who this groundskeeper is?" Deuce questioned as he tossed another chestnut into one of the baskets.

"Well..." Grim started.
Then we told them everything, how I accidentally stepped on the Savanaclaw student's tail and how he warned us not to come back to him (which we are not planning to see him again anyway).

"... That's what happened." Grim concluded as he continued picking the prickly nuts from the tree.

"Grim, for the last time, that dude is not the caretaker. He was wearing the Savanaclaw uniform and he had to go to some remedial lessons or something."
I say as I fidgeted with my camera. I was able to get a few nice pictures in, but I did have to go help them afterwords, I hate chestnuts though. But I gotta help somehow.

Deuce then paused, looking like he was thinking about something.
"Is it just me... or are there a lot of delinquents at Night Raven College...?"

I shrugged.
"I guess so?"

"We have no time to worry about that now."
Ace says as he looks back at our baskets filled with chestnuts.
"Our chestnut pile is pretty big. Let's get them back to Trey!" He said happily as he picked up one of the baskets.

Grim shouted happily as he also picked up a basket.
"This tart is gonna be awesome!"

We all picked up some baskets and quickly started to head to the kitchens.
As we entered, I was immediately hit with so many different scents, like sugar and other spices. It was a simple looking kitchen, I saw pots, pans, wooden mallets, just typical kitchen stuff.

Trey warmly greeted as we entered the kitchen.
"Welcome back. You picked quite a bit."

As he was talking, we quickly put the the chestnuts on the table for Trey to get a better look at. He seemed very satisfied.

"With these we can make a huge tart!"
Grim says as he looked at the nuts hungrily.

Trey chuckles.
"Peeling all this is going to be a challenge but... Let's get to it." He says as he starts to neatly roll up his sleeves.

"All of this... there's no end in sight."
Deuce says bitterly as he stared at the chestnuts we just picked.

"Making sweets is all about preparation."
Trey says as he pats Deuce's back.

"Yeah, yeah." Ace says as he too, also starts to roll up his sleeves. "We get it! I'm so ready to get this over with!- wait a minute..."
The red head says as he tuns his head to me.
"Why aren't you also tolling up your sleeves Elena?"

"Eh?" I stared back at him.
"Well... I still need more pictures for the camera... Also, I HATE those things."
I say as I pointed at the chestnuts with a disgusted look on my face.
"I just... hate rough objects, I was ok with just quickly picking them. But peeling them? I don't like it." I shuddered.

"What? That's not-"
Ace started, but he was interrupted by the third year.

"It's fine, we have enough hands anyway. Let's get started!" Trey says as he too, looked at the huge pile of chestnuts.

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