• Chapter 4

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It was still raining, this time it was heavier. Nevertheless, Pico leaned against the wall absolutely drenched. He didn't like wearing hoodies, he much preferred sweaters as they couldn't mess up his bright orange hair. It was short, yet seemed to tangle easily. It just felt uncomfortable to brush.

He smoked a cigarette, clicking a gun. He felt completely out of it, absolutely zoned. He never was able to answer his own question which grew stronger and stronger every time his mind went to it. It got to the point where it was all he could think about.

Keith. Keith. Who else was there? Why did Keith beat him? How did Keith beat him? God, he could feel himself losing his mind.

He remembered how last time he was standing around like this, he first met Keith. He was zoned out until a neon blue blob came into detail to reveal some guy looking up at him. It was recent, but it wasn't that recent. Even then, he remembered vividly like some kind of important detail.

He felt like he was reliving a memory, his cigarette falling out of his mouth. Like Keith was approaching him at the most convenient time. But Pico didn't believe such convenience could happen to him.

Didn't being emphasised.

Keith stood before him with that dumb smile he always had everytime Pico saw him. He was holding an umbrella over their heads.
"Hey, Pico. You look soaked."

"Wow. Really?" Pico responded in the most sarcastic tone. "Almost like an umbrella is going to change that fact."

Keith laughed. "We can walk home together, if you want. You shouldn't be outside."

"Yeah, that's nice. Now leave me alone."

"You'll get sick."

"Like a little cold will stop me."


Pico didn't get it. The guy barely knew him, and he must have been fully aware of that fact. The amount of concern he expressed simply saying his name... he didn't get it one bit.

He walked beside Keith, back home to his apartment. He realised this would be the perfect opportunity to ask him the thing on his mind.



"When you met me the other day, was there anyone else with you?"

"Oh, you must mean my girlfriend, Molly."

"Girlfriend! That was it!" Pico clicked his fingers. "I should get myself a girlfriend to help me with confidence! Or... partner. I'm not really sure."

"You aren't confidence? Dude, you sounded so good when we battled!" Keith said with pure heart. He sounded so truthful, Pico didn't know what he was feeling.

"Listen. All I do is mumble-rap. It's not... all that good."

"Being honest, we both kept talking about how you sounded when we left. I was just in awe."

"You..." Pico held the back of his neck with a curled smile. "That's... really nice, actually."
He clearly hadn't been complimented that much before. Keith could tell. He thought it was unfair on Pico's end, but he could still tell. Keith believed that he should have been complimented so many more times, that he truly deserved it. Pico thought otherwise.

"Well, I'll leave you, now." Keith stopped outside the apartment block again. "You must have a sick relative or something, so I don't want to just... barge in."

"...huh?" Pico raised an eyebrow, before remembering the state of his apartment. He couldn't just agree with him and lie, right? "No. I live alone. My place is just a mess, is all."

"Huh? That's why you won't let me in?"

"Well, that and I don't know you..."

"Then you can know this- I wouldn't mind cleaning up for you! I bet it's not that bad..."

"N-no, it is..."

"I won't believe it 'til I see it, I guess..." The blue haired boy sighed. "Oh, I know! Why don't I come over some point tomorrow to check it out?"

Pico hesitated. That would have been a bad idea, and he knew it. But... "I... I guess. I usually wake up about 1pm earliest, so you can arrive anytime after then."

"...1pm? That's awful."

"Please don't mention my sleeping habits. Just be there after then."

"Well, alright. Think of me as an alarm-clock if you're still asleep!"

"...I'll see you then, Keith." Pico gave a small wave, before slipping his hands in his pockets and walking inside.

"Bye, Pico!" Keith waved big in return, a wide grin on his face. He stood, huffing with satisfaction, before going his own way in the rain, prepared for tomorrow.

Beep, Bop, Bugger off! (Pico x BF/Keith)Where stories live. Discover now