• Chapter 6

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Keith and Pico ended up finishing cleaning the floor, at least. The clothes and rubbish were sorted, thrown out and washed, and Pico felt a bit uncomfortable with how empty his apartment still was but he honestly owed him one after he did that for him.

Keith waved goodbye, Pico doing the same, as he left to go to his own humble abode. He sighed, checking his phone. It wasn't blown up or anything, all was there was a simple "okay" with a heart Molly left after Keith told her he was going to Pico's place. He smiled at it, but not as wide as he used to. He and Molly had been together for a while, about a month ago they had started being open about it, too. And yet, he felt as though he was... losing interest, maybe? Something about dating her felt wrong. He loved her, sure, but there was that gut feeling that it wasn't meant to be.

Even through the feeling, Keith messaged Molly.

I'm back :)

It was read almost immediately, with a pretty quick response.

Okay! I'll be over in a few xx

Keith couldn't keep these feelings down forever. He started thinking if maybe he just wasn't ready for a relationship. Then again, before Molly, he had been absolutely desperate to be in a long-term one for once in his life. The thing he feared most if he broke up with her, however, is less of her reaction or her parents, but the simple fact that no one else would want to have a long-term relationship with him.

He was pretty well-known for his street music, sure, but fans weren't the same as friends. He couldn't get close to them the same way he could with friends. Friends could either stay as major platonic relationships or blossom into something much more, he knew that. What he didn't know however is how long it took to be such good friends with someone he could end up getting together with them.

Molly knocked on the door. Keith opened it, smiling at her.
"Hey, sweetie." She walked in, pecking him on the cheek and softly holding his hand. "You must be tired, why don't I make some tea and you tell me about your day?"

"I'm fine for tea, thanks. You can still make them, though." They walked into the kitchen, Molly nodding before putting the kettle on the stove. "I wouldn't mind telling you either way. It went really well!"

The couple took a seat on the sofa in the other room, Molly listening to Keith go on.
"So, Pico lives in this really worn down apartment, kinda looks like it's from a horror movie, but his apartment was an entire mess! I convinced him that if we at least cleaned the floor, we'd go for coffee, but I'm pretty sure I had just woken him up so he didn't feel good enough to clean, so I took him out early so he could rest a bit more, and-"

The guy had barely taken a breath. He was rambling on for barely the first half when the kettle went off. "Ah, just a second-"
Molly got up, leaving to finish making her tea, leaving Keith a moment to both breathe and think.

That was a complete lie back at the coffee shop. Keith only ever let Molly rest on his shoulder he rested on hers. He didn't know why he felt the need to let Pico do that. He couldn't tell her that bit.
But... looking back on it, he remembered seeing him so peaceful. Pico usually looked pretty pissed. He really liked the look of his small smile.

He closed his eyes, imagining it again. Molly sat beside him, placing down her mug gently. Keith realised just how relaxing it was. The way the cups were set down ever so softly just so the waitress didn't disturb them. She was fairly sweet, Keith thought.

"You can go on, again." Molly smiled warmly, placing her hand on Keith's as she let her tea cool down. Keith nodded, eagerly continuing on, going straight to the process of finishing Pico's house instead of the coffee. It was for the better.

Beep, Bop, Bugger off! (Pico x BF/Keith)Where stories live. Discover now