• Chapter 10

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dude. just break up with her

But what if she gets too upset?? What if she doesn't want to stay friends with me??

then she was never a keeper, i guess
i don't know
it's 2am, keith
i'm tired

Keith nervously tapped the side of his phone. Every since he confessed to Pico that he didn't want to be with Molly anymore, the thought had grown bigger and bigger until he couldn't think of anything else.

Plus, I won't have money anymore
I told you, her parents are my only source

i dunno, i could try splitting money with you
rent doesn't cost much
food doesn't cost much
i don't even eat much
it will be fine

How do you know that?

molly seems nice
you said it yourself, didn't you

Yeah, but
Her parents aren't

oh, i know


Keith watched closely what Pico sent. It was pretty smart. To Keith, at least. He nodded, despite no one seeing him, trying to take it in.

I get it
I could try
Are you she'd be okay though?

50/50 chance
well, maybe 75, she's chill
good luck
and go to sleep

Okay! :)


Keith put his phone on sleep mode, placing it down and turning over on his bed to face the wall. He tried to close his eyes, despite how restless he felt.

Morning came, and Keith had agreed to meet up with Molly earlier than usual, probably because he hadn't seen her at all the previous day. He greeted her less enthusiastically than usual, then they both went on a quick walk with each other. It was pretty cold. Keith could do with a jacket. Molly had jackets, but he would have felt bad asking for one, especially with his plan.

Well... would asking for the jacket be part of the plan? Would it help?

He shouldn't have thought about it.

"Hey, Molly... uh... can I... can I ask you something?" Keith was tense. He kept trying to internally hype himself up, telling him it'd be fine. Pico was probably right- Molly was nice! Surely, she'd want to stay friends, right?


"I... um... Well..." Keith fidgeting with his hands, hesitating even more. He gulped, taking a breath. "I- I- I want to break up with you."

Molly froze in her tracks. "...pardon?"

"I- m- I mean- I just don't want to be in a relationship like this anymore! You seem like a really cool friend, I still want to be friends with you, but-"

"Is it Pico?"


"Do you like Pico more than me?"

"I... n- not really...?" Keith froze. Was Pico the reason he wanted to break up with her? Surely not. Surely it was just his interest dropping, and nothing more. He wanted it to be that. "I just don't... I'm not interested in you is all."

"...ah." Molly teared up, her face showing even less emotion than usual. She turned around, before Keith grabbed her shoulder.

"W-Wait! Th- there's a really shitty thing I need to ask you, but it also kind of depends on my life income... er... could you not tell your parents? That we broke up?"

"Keith... what?"

"I- um- don't get money otherwise-"

Molly stared at Keith with disappointment now in her eyes. She wiped her tears, sniffled, then looked up at him. "Fine. But I still need distance before we're back to being friends."

"Th- That's okay..."


"...bye, Molly."

Keith stood there, a horrible feeling swelling up in his gut. He felt... proud that he did that. He should have felt proud that he did that. Why didn't he feel proud that he did that?

He sheepishly grabbed his phone out of his pocket, dialling the number he saved as Pico.

A tired voice answered the line with a yawn. "Hello?"

"H- Hey, Pico..." he hiccuped, wiping his face. "I... uh... b- broke up... with..."
Right then and there Keith just started crying. He felt guilty. So guilty. It was cold. He wanted something- someone- to hold.

"Right. Uh... Hey, come meet me outside my apartment block. Hold on-" There was slight shuffling on the other side. "Do you need anything before you get here?"

"I...I'm cold."

"Cool. Sweater it is, then. Don't worry, I have a ton of spares. I will see you in like... 5 minutes."

"B- Bye..." Keith wiped his eyes as the phone hung up. He looked around, remembering where he was, and made his way to where Pico lived. Outside there, that was. And there, like he said, Pico was waiting for him with an extra sweater over his shoulder. Keith paused upon seeing him, tearing up even more. He simply walked over...which turned into a run, hugging Pico, and sobbing.

Pico was surprised at first, but quickly put a hand on Keith's head.
"Hey." he greeted in a quiet tone, smiling sorrowfully. "Wanna go to the coffee shop?"

"Y-yeah..." Keith sniffled, taking the sweater off Pico and putting it on. "I- I'd like that."

Beep, Bop, Bugger off! (Pico x BF/Keith)Where stories live. Discover now