• Chapter 11

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"But... I think she's mad at you."


"Yeah. I'm pretty sure she thinks you're the reason I broke up with her."

Pico tapped his finger against the table almost in an irritated way. "She thinks it's my fault. That you lost interest."

"Pico... please don't get mad. It's probably just because I started hanging out with you a lot."

"Oh no, I'm not mad. Don't worry, Keith. I'm just... confused." he spoke through his teeth. Worried, Keith put a hand on Pico's so he stopped tapping.

"I- I mean. I didn't even speak to her yesterday. She's allowed to-"

"Oh, nonono, I get it! You don't need to explain. Just uh- I'll be right back." Pico snatched his phone from where it was placed on the table. "I'll be right back."

Keith sat down, feeling even more guilty than earlier. He shouldn't have said anything, should have he? He messed up again, he should have kept count. Pico was clearly mad, and now it was his fault. He couldn't remember if he had ever made Pico so angry before. It was his fault. His fault. His fault.

He gripped his face in his hand with such force his knuckles cracked. It hurt. He didn't even care. What if Molly got hurt? What if Pico got hurt my Molly's parents? Keith shook his hands uncomfortable and upset.

Pico came back inside, holding a cracked phone and a much softer expression. He sat down, silently pulling Keith into his chest almost immediately.

"H- Huh?"t

"I'm sorry..." Pico repeated, holding him. "That was probably too sudden. I'm sorry if I seemed angry at you."
Keith kept quiet, swallowing his breath.
'Do you like Pico more than me?'

When Molly said that... did she mean would Keith rather be with Pico? At the time, he thought it just meant he trusted Pico's word more than her's but... that made more sense.

He looked up at Pico's face, their eyes meeting. I mean, if he was given the chance, sure. He'd be with Pico. He treated him well, he looked good, too. Yeah, he didn't seem to handle emotions well, but the whole point of relationships was to help each other, right? Keith wouldn't mind helping him.

Then again, he didn't know what Pico was even into. He never showed any interest in anyone that he knew of. Granted, maybe he just didn't like talking about it. Keith personally didn't mind, being the bisexual mess he was. Even if he was to date Pico, wouldn't it have been too early? He only just broke up with Molly. But, he also really craved being with someone.

"Keith... are you alright? You've been staring for a while."

"Oh, have I?" Keith blinked, realising he never looked away. "Sorry."

But they didn't stop. They were still just looking at each other. Pico furrowed his brows, looking to the side before getting a little closer to Keith's face. Keith didn't move.

Pico's phone went off, causing Pico to jump in slight panic as reality set in once again. "Shit-"
He reached his hand over to grab it, checking the contact, then getting up again.

"Uh... just a sec, Keith."

"Oh...okay..." Keith watched as Pico walked outside again. He couldn't fathom what just happened. The way he got closer to him... what?
Keith looked out the window at Pico on the phone outside. He was pacing, sort of. His body language was a bit off, and when he eventually turned around leading Keith to read his face, he still seemed displeased.

Pico pinched the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes and tapped his foot. Suddenly, he went to throw his phone, quickly stopping, shook his hands and left the call. He went back inside.
"I'm going home."

"Wh- What?"

"Sorry, Keith."

"Wait, Pico-" Keith swigged his drink, finishing it off in one gulp, before putting it down. "Let me come with you!"

"You-" Pico sighed. "Fine. Sure. Whatever. But..."
He pursed his lips, shutting his eyes. He huffed, opening them again. "If you hear me talking to someone don't say anything."

"I won't."

They went off.

Beep, Bop, Bugger off! (Pico x BF/Keith)Where stories live. Discover now